Chapter 11 & 12

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Chapter 11: Lord Ragus

Yavex was standing in the presence of Lord Ragus, shivering. He had come back empty handed again and now his very life was in the hands of his master.

"You have failed me," Lord Ragus' voice seemed to shake the whole room, "not once, but twice."

"I... I am..."

"Silence! I did not tell you to speak," Lord Ragus was pacing the floor. He was deep in thought. "You will not fail me again, Yavex."

"Your Royal Majesty..."

"I did not tell you to speak!" Ragus' voice boomed through the room and Yavex shook in his boots. Lord Ragus drew his sword. "Now, you will die." Ignoring the pleas of the soldier, Ragus walked down the steps of his throne and stood next to Yavex. He lifted his arm and thrust the sword into the man in front of him. The screams ceased. Yavex's armor clattered on the floor as Ragus pulled his sword out of Yavex and kicked the lifeless body aside.

"Guards! Dispose of it," he told the Gramores at the door. The two big Gramores walked forward and picked up their old companion. As they left, Ragus put his sword back into its sheath. He raised his hand and a tall man, accompanied by middle sized, bulky man, came forward. Both were wearing cloaks that covered their faces.

"I trust that you both will keep an eye on the Queen until I have a plan that someone can carry out for me?" Ragus demanded. "I have my right-hand man there already. He is on the Princess. You two will watch the Queen."

"Of course, Your Majesty," the tall man bowed, "we have been doing that for years." The men left the room and Ragus was left alone to his thoughts.

Chapter 12: I Discover that I'm Not a Snake Whisperer

I was in my room thinking about something that had been on my mind since the party the night before. I wasn't sure if it was good or bad. I decided to go to the gardens. I picked up my dagger and left the room.

I found a stone bench in the midst of the gardens and sat down. I thought about all my mother had told me. Wondering if I had the power she spoke of and how I would ever discover that I had it, if I even had the power, I looked up at the sky. I thought about Lord Ragus and shook at the thought of him being a relative to me. My father came to mind. I wondered what he had been like. I decided to ask my mother sometime. The memory of Zanzibar's growing wings the night I left Earth came to mind. I wonder if he can do it as many times as he wants to, I thought.

"Of course, I can!" Zanzibar's thoughts came through to mine.

"How did you know I was thinking about you?" I asked.

"You forget, Zanzibar laughed, I can hear everything you think."

I frowned. "Well that's not creepy at all. Where are you?"

"Coming toward you..."

"How do you know where I am?"

"I can read your thoughts and I can see everything you do if I choose." Zanzibar's black form showed against the white afternoon sky. He landed silently next to me as I stood up to greet him.

"Don't worry, though, he said. I won't pry into your life unless it's absolutely necessary that I do so. I promise."

"Thanks," I smiled and turned to the middle of the garden. "Can I see what you do? Just like you see what I do?"

"Of course, Only if I let you, though." Zanzibar whinnied. I smiled and looked around. I saw a small cluster of flowers growing up under a tree and knelt down next to them.

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