Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: I Visit the Tower

We walked inside and headed toward my mother's throne room. The passageways and rooms seemed haunted and full of murderers. I casually moved closer to Ben, trying not to let him see that I was terrified. I had always been scared that someone would kill me and, now I knew that my worst fears had become a sure possibility. I gulped.

"You scared?" Ben asked.

"Maybe," I replied. Ben smiled and put his arm around me.

"I bet you are," he laughed. I took his arm off of me and playfully pushed him away.

"Don't flatter yourself to much. I'm gonna learn how to protect myself so you don't need to worry about me so much."

"I love worrying about you. You're worth all the headaches, sleepless nights, and long sighs." He smirked and pushed into me.

Soon, we had arrived at my mother's throne room. The guards at the door let us in immediately.

In my mother's throne room, I saw Brock whispering something to her. He looked at Ben and me and went on talking. I waited till they finished and then cleared my throat. Brock bowed to me and then stepped down the stairs.

"Oh, my dear, Adeline!" my mother said and rose up from her throne. "I'm so pleased to see you up and about!" she stepped down the stairs and hugged me.

"Mother, I need to tell you something," I said.

"What is it, dear?"

"Um..." I looked at Ben. He nodded. "That put it there on purpose," I explained. Brock sucked in his breath and looked out the window. My mother nodded, gravely and looked me in the eye. "Right before I saw it, I heard my door open and then close. I just thought that my mind was playing tricks on me so I ignored it. Please don't blame Ben. It wasn't his fault. He..." Brock interrupted me.

"It was his fault, Queen Janice. He should have been near her door," said Brock to my mother. "I think, for the Princess' safety, we should try another bodyguard. Maybe...let's see...maybe we could try Lancelot?" My eyes widened.

"You can't use him!" Ben and I shouted at the same time. My heart started pounding and my face began to get hot. I glanced around the room and stopped when I saw Ben. His head was lowered; hands clasped behind his back. What do I do now? I thought instantly.

"You are probably right, Brock. Your knowledge of bodyguards is much sharper than mine. Maybe we should try a new bodyguard," my mother began. "I think Lancelot would be a good man to start with, although, if my daughter is not pleased with him after one week, I will let Ben be her bodyguard once more, along with another bodyguard of my choice."

"But, mother..." I started. I didn't want Lance. Besides Zanzibar, Ben, and my mother were the only people I trusted.

"Don't argue with me, Adeline. I'm doing this because I love you, not to be mean. I have known Lancelot's father for many years." She looked at me. I wanted to run away. "Ben?" asked my mother. "Please escort my daughter to her room and fetch Lancelot."

"Yes, Queen Janice," said Ben, the color had faded from his face completely.

"Son, you are not to speak to Adeline till the one week is over and she decides what bodyguard she wants," ordered Brock.

"But, Father, she's..." Ben began. Brock raised an eyebrow and glared at his son.


"Y...yes, Father," Ben looked at the floor again.

"Brock, I don't really think this is necessary," said my mother. "Nevertheless, he is my son and I order him to keep away from the Princess." Ben looked up at me, motioned me to follow him, and left the room. The doors closed behind us, echoing in the halls. I felt just as empty as they did.

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