Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: The End, Among Other Things

I met Zach outside my room the next morning.

"I'm sorry to hare about our mother, Adeline." Zach said.

"It's not alright now, but it will be in time. Thank you for praying for me. I love you."

The funeral was to take place in two days' time to give the burial men a chance to preserve my mother's body. The coronation was to take place the day after that. With the battles still raging outside the castle's morale began to slip. I felt myself falling farther out of reach. I didn't speak to anyone anymore and spent my days in my room with the curtains drawn and the lights off. I guess darkness did reflect sadness.

Adeline? Zanzibar flew into my room and nudged my shoulder. Let's go for a ride. Get out the jitters. You know? I reluctantly agreed and soon, we were flying effortlessly over the trees and the waterfalls. The crystal-clear water fell down like stars fall during a shower. Zanzibar surprised me by showing me his favorite place to hang out. In both directions were miles and miles of water and sand. The Kinsúnla River was located right in between Kritisníak and Ominerstia.

Zanzibar and I played in the soft sand and the crashing waves until sunset. We watched it together and then laid down on the sand to rest.

Thanks, Zanzibar. I needed this. I smiled and patted my Pegasus.

I knew you would like it. Zanzibar snorted. We should do this every day.

Yes, every day until the crowning.

* § *

The funeral was in an hour and I found myself in a long, black lace dress. I put my crown on and made sure the sword was hidden.

I looked in the mirror and noticed the cut on my forehead. It was still there but it wasn't as bad and not nearly as painful. My dagger wound was almost healed, thanks to the work of Caelestis' doctors. Sometimes it throbbed but it usually went away after a few minutes. The scars on my arm, shoulder, and chest would never go away. I would forever have the marks from the robbing and from Ragus's men. Carnor had started talking to me about the plans for the army.

"I had to call reinforcements," Carnor had said. "We were getting slaughtered pretty badly and I remembered that I had sent an entire legion of my best soldiers to the south to fight off some Gramores there." Apparently not all Gramores worked for Lord Ragus. I was glad I didn't have to worry about that too.

I cleared my throat and Catherine opened the door. We all walked out and headed for the funeral gathering. Catherine led the way. Ardennais came with us and Zanzibar followed behind.

The funeral was to be held in the Great Hall and then go out to the streets of the marketplace. Then, the Queen would be taken to her burial site and never disturbed again. I was not even allowed to know where she was buried.

Catherine led the way to the Great Hall and we entered, unnoticed. There were people all over the room and my mother's body had been placed in a beautiful granite coffin studded with rubies, emeralds, pearls, and diamonds. It was exquisite. Everyone marveled at it and it was the center of attention until we had to leave. I noticed Ronan standing in a corner. Her beautiful, golden horn was gone and she was crying. I had never seen a horse cry before and I felt badly for her. Zanzibar followed me to her side and I spoke to her through Zanzibar.

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