Chapter 1

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George was questioning whether he wanted to go to the pride parade. He had always been an ally of the LGBTQ community, but he was anxious someone he knew would walk by and think he was gay, which was definitely not true. George Harrison was brought up by a very homophobic family and was taught that being gay was a sin, and all gays will burn in the fiery depths of hell. In high school George had a very close friend who happened to be gay, and his name was John. After one day at the pool, a doe eyed boy named Paul came into Johns life. George was very accepting of his best mates boyfriend and all the things his parents told him about gay people quickly turned to bullshit.

"Oh fuck it. " George mumbled to himself.

"So what if they think I'm a queer."

He took a quick shower and headed out the door. When he drove downtown, it was hard to miss the rainbow floats and streamers and many happy couples kissing and holding hands.

"Aye George I thought you would never make it!"

George felt strong hands on his shoulders and he turned around quickly.

"Oh hey John!" a grin flashed upon Georges face.

" Hey Paul" George said shaking hands with his best mates partner.

" Aye Gear there's someone we want you to meet!".


Hey so I know this is a kinda shitty Chapter but I just needed something to get the ball rolling ya know? I promise it will get better. love you! <3

 love you! <3

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