Chapter 7

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It was inching closer to 6:00 and Georges' palms were getting sweaty, and he was still a nervous wreck trying to figure what do for their date.

"Okay George. You got this. Don't fuck it up and everything will go fine! I know! I'll call John! he'll know what to do!" George picked up his phone and dialed Johns number and anxiously waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Gear!" Johns raspy voice bellowed

"Erm, hi. I need help." Georges sentence came out as one string of slurred words

" With what Geo?"

"I have a date with Ringo tonight and I don't know what to do!" The panic was rising in his voice

"Okay, okay chill! Jesus, you're gonna give yourself an aneurysm!"

John was silent on the other end for a moment, then spoke up.

"Why don't you take him to a movie or something mate?"

"That's what everyone does..." George sighed

" I don't know then Gear, hey I gotta go but text me how it goes!"

But before George could answer, he heard the faint "click" of John hanging up

It was too late now. It was 5:50 and he had to start heading to Ringo's house.

"I'll just figure it out as I go I guess..." he thought to himself as he stepped into his car.

Ringo's flat was decent looking from the outside, it was a light bluish color and he had peonies and lavender growing in the windowsill planter box. He climbed up the steps and politely knocked two times on the pastel yellow door. A few seconds later, Ringo opened the door and he stepped out wearing a pale yellow shirt and baby blue overalls. He blushed.

"Hi cutie" Ringo said winking.

"Erm, hi" George giggled

Ringo winked at him once more and started going down the stairs, George following behind him. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and cleared his throat.

"Soo... I figured out what we are gonna do" said George, nudging his shoulder into Ringos. Ringo nudged back and replied

" What would that be?"
"It's a surprise" George winked and Ringo rolled his ocean eyes


Hello! I might be posting in spurts lately and my update schedule WILL NOT be regular. I am in the process of getting my phone back, so it may be a while. Please bear with me. :) peace and love,

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