Chapter 9

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On their car ride home, George drove with one hand and placed a reassuring hand on Ringo's thigh, occasionally squeezing it to remind Ringo he was still there. When he did that they both looked up and smiled.
George was happy.
He had had his fair share of girlfriends sure, and he loved them, but this... this was different. This was more than caring for someone. This was feeling what they felt and connecting so deep with them you felt like one person. And that's what was different with Ringo. When he saw him, his belly did backflips and fire rose to his cheeks. When he touched him, he could feel Ringo's skin stain his fingers. When he kissed him... everything he thought he knew about love changed.
Startled, he looked up and turned his head to see Ringo looking at him.
"You make me feel safe."
George melted.
"I-I'm glad Rings."
"No. you don't understand..."
He looked down and took a deep breath.
"I often have an itch to cut, and when I'm alone I make the itch go away by giving in. Even when I'm happy the itch stays because I think that I don't deserve it and I need to punish myself. But with you... you make it go away. You make me feel free."
George pulled over and sat for a moment to process.
"Ringo, darling..." he softly held one of Ringo's hands.
"Thank you for telling me" he smiled sympathetically and sighed.
"Where do you... erm-"
"My stomach." he sighed.
"And my wrists."
"Occasionally my thighs, but not as much in the summer..." he looked down and shuddered
"God how pathetic I sound..."
George lifted his head up with his thumb and forefinger.
"You're not" said George softly.
"But you need help Ringo..."
George could feel his heart breaking for this boy.
Ringo's eyes went wide.
"I'm sorry I never should've-"
"Hey... stop it. I'll help you through this. We will do this together. I care about you too much to let you do this to yourself." George cut him off.
He studied Ringo. His arms were crossed and his cheeks were flushed and George could practically see how fast his heart was beating.
"As long as I'm here... I will be here to help you. I mean it. You can be free with me remember? You're not alone in this. I will be a supportive friend-"
"Friend?" Ringo's lip quivered.
George knew right then he fucked up. Curse his rambling tongue.
"Shit, no I mean-"
"No, I know what you meant. I'm too fucked up for you to deal with. I get it" Ringo said softly while tears streamed down his cheeks. He got out of the car.
" I-I'm gonna call a cab" his voice broke.
Before George could say anymore, Ringo closed the door and walked away.
Oh gee what in the world is going to happen heh heh ;)))
XO Drew 💛🌼👒

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