Chapter 4

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After talking for a couple hours about their childhood and how they both got to know John and Paul, George and Ringo went to meet up and find the couple.

"Wow, it's not gonna be easy looking for those two. For all we know they could be shagging in the bathroom!"

Ringo looked up at George and chuckled.
"You could say that again"

They both laughed and went around looking for hours to find their two best mates. Not being successful, George decided to take out his phone and call John.

" Hello?" Johns voice sounded stuffy and stretched, as if he had been screaming
" John where the hell are you? We've been looking all over for you!"

" Who's we? Are you with Paul?" John spat out the word "Paul" like a sour taste in his mouth
" Tell him I never want to see his stupid face again!" John's voice quivered

" No... I'm with Ringo... Tell me where you are and please tell me what happened with you and Paul."

John told George in a fit of sobs where he was.

Hey guys so I was wondering if you could critique me on what I should be doing better I've noticed that I'm not getting as many reads as my last one and I want to know how to get more
Thank you everyone who has read my stories so far

Peace and love
                        XO Drew 💛🌼👒

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