Chapter 8

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George had finally decided on what they were going to do.
"Aye Ringo?" George questioned
He looked at Ringo who was shyly picking at his fingernails. He looked up.
"How do you feel about going on a picnic?"
Ringo grinned cheekily
" That sounds quite nice, the sunset will be beautiful this time of day"
George then realized that there couldn't be a picnic without food so he pulled into the closest deli and got two sandwiches.
" I hope you like turkey..." George said sheepishly
" It's my favorite!" Ringo giggled
" Oh good"
They drove about 20 minutes or so to an empty park surrounded by trees and plush grass. The sky was a deep orange, with streaks of pink. It was beautiful.
" My, you sure picked a good day to do this" Ringo sighed, amazed at the heavenly sky
" good lord he is cute" George thought. While Ringo was admiring the sky, George was admiring him. From his messy soft hair, to the lavender converse he was wearing.
They laid down the blanket and ate their sandwiches while talking about their favorite things and other things that you talk about on first dates. When they were both finished they stopped talking and just listened to what was going on around them. They warm breeze making the leaves on the trees shudder, cars driving by and every once in a while a bird would sing to them. It was then that Ringo laid his head on George's shoulder.
" I like you very much George"
George grinned like an idiot
"I like you too Rings"
Ringo lifted his head of of George's shoulder and looked into his chocolate eyes that seemed to never end. George looked at Ringos' plump lips that seemed to taunt George. George, without thinking traced Ringos' features, taking in each little detail of his face.
"Can I kiss you?" George asked. His mind went fuzzy and all he could think about was touching the boy who was sitting oh so close to him.
"Yes please" Ringo breathed out
George licked his lips and kissed him softly, his hand resting on the side of Ringos' face. When they pulled apart, Ringo looked down and let out a small squeak of happiness.
"Thank you for tonight" He said

Hehe yay
XO Drew 💛🌼👒

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