Chapter 6

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After George safely drove John back to his flat, he silently thought about the cute boy he had met. Putting his hand in his pocket, he felt a small piece of paper he pulled it out and saw a name and a phone number. In curly rounded penmanship, the name spelled out "Ringo" and beside it was a smiley face.

When George woke up the next morning he immediately searched for the small piece of paper he had found in the car the night before. Once he go found it he slowly walked over to the phone and dialed the number.

" Hullo?" It was the soft voice he had heard all day before

" Oh um Hi!"

" Oh! Hiya Georgie..." George could practically hear the seductive grin in the boys face

" Um I don't mean to be a bother, but I wanted to talked about our date... I know this um place we could go too..."

Ringo giggled

"Oh really? what kind of place?"

"Well... I'm not sure yet... but I'll figure something out!

"Oh... sounds truly very romantic Georgie. I'll be looking forward to it. When should this magical night be, handsome? Does tonight sound alright?

George could hear his light chuckles and breathing over the phone, and he absolutely adored it.

" Oh yes, Tonight sounds wonderful! Plenty of time to figure something out!

The boy giggled once more.

"Sounds like a date!

Although the conversation was a bit awkward, George could tell Ringo was giddy about the fact that they would be going on a date.

" Okay I'll pick you up at 6:00 "

" Sounds fun can't wait!"


"Ta Darling"

George's heart fluttered when the realization that he was going on a date with an adorable boy. his stomach was nervous and his mind was racing, but in the meantime he had to figure out what the hell the were going to do.

                 CAN YOU FEEL THE

Okay peace and love

              XO Drew 💛🌼👒

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