Day 8

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All the time, I was waiting for summer to come. I'm excited to go back and see everyone again.

"Tamara, honey. We'll be going to europe this summer." Dad says when I asked him if he already contacted the facilitators.

"But, dad! I want to go to the camp! I miss my friends." I said and sat beside him.

"Friends?" He asks and I nodded.

"You have friends there?" He asks again.

"Yes! There's Brent, Bettina, Lauren, Taylor, Hayes, Cameron and Shawn!" I said while counting on my fingers. "And many more!"

My dad smiled and tapped my head.

"I'm glad you're being lively again like you used to, Tamara. I'll call them then." He says and I hugged him.

"Thanks, dad!" I said and kissed him at the cheeks.

I packed my things that night and slept early because dad said that I'll be going the next day.

"Hey!" I saw Shawn waving at me when I arrived.

He's always an early bird.

"When did you get here?" I asked when I was already in front of him.

"An hour early than you. I got my sister with me!" He says and pulls me at the back of the house where we used to build our tents.

"Here's the kid, Aaliyah." He introduces me a cute girl with a curly hair. Oh gosh, she's so adorable!

"Hey, I'm Tamara." I extended my hand.

She smiled at me widely and reached for my hand.

Shawn told me a lot of things from the past school year and he was happy and enjoying telling me those crazy, happy and sad stuffs that happened.

"And I'm excited to go here to see you again!" He says while we were building my tent.

"You are?" I asked surprised.

"Of course! Aren't you?"

I can feel all of my blood rushed to my face. Oh my god. Why am I blushing?

He also asked me what happened to me and I told him that I had friends already. And he was glad like what I expected.

"Is Lauren around?" I asked and he shook his head.

"They were visiting her gramps this summer." His voice were laced with disappointment.

"You miss her already?" I asked teasingly and his eyes widen.

Confirmed! He has a crush on Lauren!

"What? No. Ew!" I laughed at his reaction. He's so defensive.

"Denial. Saying that you miss her won't hurt a bit. It's obvious that you like her." I said and chewed the muffin he gave me.

Aaliyah told me that their mom baked it. It's delicious! I'll tell our chef to bake me some when I got home.

"Really?" He asks hysterically and I laughed again.

I choked when some muffins got stucked on my throat.

"You okay?" He asks after I drunk the bottled water he gave me.

"Yeah. Thanks," I said and wiped my lips. "So, you like her?"

"Not much. I'm just happy when she's around. Maybe because I grew up with her." He reasoned and I wasn't really believing him.

But somehow, I don't actually know when you already like a person or not. Who am I to judge? I honestly don't know how it feels like.

Brent and Bettina wasn't fighting that much than before. Except that they punched each other for Shawn's last piece of muffin.

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