Season 2 : Happy Family

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Chapter 9
Happy Family

Love is a gamble. It's either you'd risk or you'll stay on your safezone. There are no certainties when it comes to love. You just have to take the risk and conquer your fears and see the result in the end.

And me, I chose to let myself be happy. I know I will as long as I'm with the ones that I love.

And when the time comes that I might get hurt, I'll willingly endure it because I gave the people I love the right to hurt me.

No one could predict what future holds for us. But we could live the best out of it every single day.

"Mom!" Trevor called and his eyes widen.

I smiled at him and we walked towards him while holding Shawn's hand.

His stare went down to our hands and went back to me.

"Why is Shawn?.." He asks looking so puzzled.

"Baby," I called. "I have to tell you something."

I kneeled to level him and Shawn did the same.

I sighed. I don't know how to explain it to him. I don't know if he'll understand.

"Well.. you like Shawn, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Is it okay if he's your dad?" I asked again and his mouth agaped and he blinked multiple times.

I looked at Shawn and he smiled.

"Come here, little Mendes." Shawn said and pulled Trevor and hugged him.

I looked at them. They really look a like. Trevor looks like a kid version of Shawn. And I'm so happy to see them like this.

Trevor wasn't still speaking. I think he really got shocked.

"God," Shawn mumbled and kissed Trevor's forehead. "I missed six years of your life."

I felt a pang in my chest. If I didn't kept him from him, he should be there for our son. To his first smile, first word, first step, first birthday, first day of school..

A tear fell on my cheek as I look at them.

"Mom!" Trevor called and I went closer to them. "Is this for real?"

I chuckled. He speaks like an adult already.

"Yeah," I said. "He is your dad."

Shawn scooped me with his arms and engulfed us with his hug.

The smile on our face didn't fade as the day last.

Trevor was double the times hyper as the usual since I told him about Shawn. They always been with each other even going to the comfort room.

They just looked so cute.

"So," Vaughn trailed when we are at the staircase watching Shawn and Trevor running on the sand.

"You told them already?" He asked and I can feel the sadness with his voice.

Vaughn's really a nice guy. I had told him that I wasn't going to that kind of relationship because I still love someone.

"Yeah," I muttered.

"So what's the plan now? You two together?"

I looked at him and I saw pain shot through his eyes. I'm sorry, Vaughn.

"I think so," I replied and chewed my bottom lip. "I'm... sorry."

He held my hand and I looked away.

"Don't be," He said and made me face him. "I want you to be happy. You and Trevor so I'll support whatever decision you'll make."


He nodded with a smile.

"Nothing's gonna change, right? I can still go to your house and take Trev for some trips?" He asks and I smiled genuinely.

Vaughn's really a great guy. I hope he can find someone who could love him the way he deserves.

"Of course, Vaughn. You're always welcome." I replied and he nodded.

"Alright, then. I'll just go check some emails." He said and walked back to the mansion.

I heaved a deep breath and looked at the night sky full of stars.

I wish this would be the good start.

"Boys!" I called. "It's time for bed!"

They both walked to my direction laughing.

"What's so funny about?" I asked confused.

"Nothing, mommy." Shawn said teasingly and winked at Trevor.

What the hell?

These boys!

We walked inside the mansion while holding both hands of Trevor on the opposite sides.

"Good night, Trev." Vaughn said when we passed his room and his door opened.

"Good night Uncle Vaughn!" Trevor replied and ran to give him a hug.

"Have a good sleep." He said looking at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I smiled awkwardly. "Sleep well, Vaugh." I replied.

I heard Shawn cleared his throat amd I instantly went back beside him.

Vaughn nodded to Shawn and he did the same.

God. That was... awkward.

I wasn't expecting Vaughn doing that in front of Shawn. Not that I'm not used to.. but he knew what's happening.

I just don't want to think that he did that for a purpose.

I sighed secretly and gulped mutiple times as we walk to our room.

"Are you staying with us, dad?" Trevor asks with hopeful eyes.

And the frown on Shawn's face faded and replaced with his lopsided smile when Trevor called him dad.

"Well.."He trailed off and looked at me. I gave him a What expression.

Oh, I get it.

"Do you want to, Trev?" I asked and I'm already sure he'll say yes but just to divert the attention of Shawn of what happened a while ago.

"Of course, mom!" He cheered and Shawn carried him in our room and I was behind them.

"I'll just go take a shower." I said and hurried to the bathroom.

I took half an hour before I finished and when I went back, Trevor's already asleep.

I walked to the other side of the bed because Shawn is at the right side and Trev is in the middle.

I pulled up the sheets and kissed the forehead of my son.

"Good night, Shawn." I mumbled and he arched an eyebrow.

I closed my eyes and tried my best to sleep but my heart flipped when I felt his breath against my face.


"We're not done yet, Tamara."

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