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"Mom, for the last time, i dont need friends!" I said as my mom got off the phone.
"This one is your age though. I feel like you two will get along nicely."
"No. Im not gonna be out of my room then." I said. My mom says its not good to be alone with a cat all the time so she keeps finding friends with kids around my age and this time, its a guy. She showed me a picture and i swear ive seen him before.
After a few hours, i heard talking.
"Just give me a second while i get her out of her room." I then went to my door amd locked it.
"Send them home! Im not coming out!" I shouted.
"Shes on the anti sociel side." I then fell on my bed and then my mom opened the door. I forgot she can unlock any door she wants.
"Come on. Try to be nice."
"Not leaving this room until he is gone."
"Should i tell him he should come in here?"
"Im gonna lock him out. Ive been good with konner as my only friend and will be good forever more." Im now hanging upside down.
"Tamaki! Its best you come in her room. The only place she refuses to be out of." I then saw a tall guy come into view and i ignored him by playing with konner until he jumped on the guys lap.
"Whats his name?" The guy asked.
"His name is konner. And why are you so tall?" I asked. He shrugged. He then looked at my desk.
"You write music?" I nodded.
"I do but i cant sing well so i ask my mom to find people who can." He then looked through the music and found a song that looked interesting. It was a song that could be split with up to 7 people.
"I know a few people that could sing this one."
"Its for higher voice ranges though." I said and then konner got on my desk and layed on all the papers.
"Konner! Off my desk!" I said picking him up and ending up puting him outside my room.
"Hes not allowed?" I shook my head.
"He ends up messing up the paper or knocking every thing off my desk." I said making my desk tidy again. I then realised his hoody had ears on the hood. He looed at me amd tilted his head and i patted his head. It was easy since he was sitting in my desk chair.
After a bit i realised his name was tamaki. I guess i wasnt listening when my mom called him. And after a while he had to leave. I was kinda disappointed as well. I then et konner back in my room and he went to lay on my chair. I saw the time and it was almost time for dinner. I pet konner until i was called for dinner. "Seems like i was right." My mom said.
"The only reason i even spoe was because he mentioned the music i wrote." I said quietly.
Time skip
When i woke up, it was around noon and my mom called me to the front door. When i got there, it was tamaki.
"Want to join me to meet up with some friends?" He asked. I nodded slightly and got dressed and we left. On the walk to where him and his friends were meeting up, i was being extremely self conscious and was basically attacked to his side. He didnt seem to mind though which was good.
When we got to a cake shop, i hid behind him. Im not used to being around people! "Why are you hiding naki-chan?" I peeked out and then hid again. He sighed a bit.
"Why the girl, tama?"
"I invited her. She seems to be a bit shy." He then sat down and i introduced my self.
"I-im nakia." I muttered.
"Im riku."
"Im yamato."
"Im sogo."
"Im mitsuki."
"And im nagi." He tried to grab my hand but i smacked it. He rubbed his hand and pouted slightly.
After a while of talking, tamaki said that i could write them a song.
"Wh-who said i would?" I asked. Tamaki rose his hand.
"It wouldnt hurt to try." Riku said and every one agreed and yamato had to get everyone to stop pestering me. I thanked him.
"I-I'll think about it." I said.
When i got home i went straight to my room. Too much socialness for one day!
"Nakia! How was you day!?" My mom called. I opened my door a bit.
"Good. Bit too much socialness though." I then closed the door and got my laplop out and began to mess around on a music creating program i have. If your wondering, i wasnt always anti-social. I just got too over wealmed by people one day and stopped socializing. I barely socialise with my mom and my mom has been trying to get me to be back the way i was.

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