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"Im tired tamaki!" I whined. The boys called me and woke me up because of something urgent.
"Just get dressed and meet us at the location i sent."
"Is it an absolute emergency?" I asked stil tired.
"Still. Let me sleep!" I said and hung up and before i could sleep another call. This timd yamato. "What?" I groaned.
"You wont regret waking up. I can promise you that."
"And if i do, dont expect to seeme for three to four days." I said.
"You truely arent a morning person."
"No shit." I said and hung up and got dressed and brushed my teeth and left. I still had bed head but i didnt care, my hair was short enough to look good with bed head. When i got to the place, i saw a croud and i glared at the boys. They were also on a stage and getting ready for something. And then music began. (PLAY VIDEO HERE!!!)
When they were done, i was in awe. When the croud had dispersed, i was the only one left of the croud and by then the boys were changed back into their normal clothes.
"Was it worth waking up?" Mitsuki asked.
"It was more than worth it." I said.
After a bit, me and tamaki decided to walk around a bit. And after a while of walkiing a small group of fangirls crouded tamaki pushing me out of the way. And by small group, i meet ten girls. "Sorry. I dont do fan service." He said walking away from them and we continued until one girk asked.
"And what about her?" She said it im a very snotty tone. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to his side and ignored her. And if i was actually sociel and wasnt homeschooled, i woud have mumbed 'denied' but my mind wouldnt let me.
When we got to a park i got a text. I opened jt and saw it was from my older brother. Sis, im gonna be visiting in about a day or so. Im at the finnish airport right now. See you and mom soon. Is what it said. I hung my head.
"Whats wrong?"
"My older brother will be here tomarrow or the next day. And he tends to go bat shit crazy and will be by my side all the time." I said and slumped back. He then pulled me closer and asked if my mom was still on a busyness trip and i nodded.
"Will be for another month." I said and leaned into him. And i decided to text my mom that Zavion was coming back to visit. She replied. I thought yout brother would never visit! I sighed and wanted to throw my phone into the nearest puddle but i didnt cause i wouldnt get a new one. And then i decided to take tamakis hood off and pet his hair. When i stopped, he grabbed my hand and put it back om his head. "Dont stop." He said. I sighed and pet his hair a bit more before i decided i should go home and get my brothers old room cleaned up for him.
"Want to join me?" He nodded and followed me.
Sorry its short. Tunning low on ideas. Im writing as i think and i edit as i go to make sure thinks are spelled right and my phone keyboard didnt act like a fuck tard and mess with the words. At least you have MONSTER GENERATiON to make up for the shortness. Will it make up for the shortness?

Tamaki X OcWhere stories live. Discover now