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When my mom got back, she was glad my brother came to visit while i still wasnt. "Nakia, i enroled you for public school. Since your fine being around people again, i dont see any point for you to be home schooled any more. And i even got your uniform." She handed me a bag and i sighed.
"Better be a boys uniform."
"And you start tomarrow. And your going to the same school iori and tamaki go to." I hung my head and went back to my room. Normally i neglect my school work but now i will have no choice but to do school work.
Timeskip to school
When i found out i was in tamakis and ioris class, i was glad i wasnt gonna be alone all the time but not cause im sure i will get a lot of hate from the girls at school. And the thing is, i have a boys uniform so yeah, girls are gonna be hatin cause i will get to talk to them more than them.
When i got to class i was forced to introduce myself. "I-im nakia mirai and i-im glad to be here and no longer home schooled." I said so people in the back could barely heat me. I was placed by a girl that looked a bit rude. Soon i was given a welcome by tamaki. I smiled and thanked him.
When it was lunch, i remembered i forgot my lunch. Im bad at remembering things. Especially important things. I doodled a bit and someone put a sandwich infront of me. I looked up and it ws tamaki.
"Thanks tamaki." I said.
"Forgot your lunch, naki-chan?" I nodded and took the food he gave me. I saw than he had a large lunch as well so the sandwich shouldnt be missed. He watched me as i drew.
"What are you drawing?" He asked.
"Something that ive been thinking of since class started." I said as i finished up.
"Looks like an outifit we woukd wear on stage." He commented as he took a bit of one of his sandwiches. I bushed a bit. "It is one isnt it?" I nodded meekly. "Its pretty good."
"Thanks." I said and finished the sandwich he gave me. "And thanks again for sharing your lunch with me."
"Not a problem."
Aftef a bit, the girk that sits next to me came in and began to talk to tamaki but he ignorred her as he watched me draw.
"Tamaki-san!" She said waving her hand infront of his face.
"Yes?" He asked not looking up.
"I said, whens your next consert?"
"I dont know."
"You hafta know."
"I dont though."
"Why are you hanging around her anyway?"
"Shes my special friend." He replied. I then finished what i was drawing and she took it and ripped it out of her wanting attention from tamaki. "Why did you do that tsuyoi?" He asked.
"She just came here and your already considering her special?!"
"Ive known her for a while and its not kind to rip up her drawings." He picked the two pieces of the drawing from the ground. I didnt look up from my desk though. She then sat down at her desk and began to read.
"Sorry about tsuyoi. She gets jealous easily." I nodded and i felt a tear run down my face. When people rip up what i draw, i take it as a message they hate me and all that im worth. I would understand if i had done something horrible to her but i didnt. I just drew and tamaki said i was his girlfriend in a not so obvious way by saying im his special friend. He sat in his seat and i got my notebook out again to take more notes. The rest of the class, i didnt look up from what i was writing in feer that people would bring attention to me cause of my tears. When school ended, i asked if tamaki and iori could help me catch up on what i missed before i came to their school. Tamaki accepted while iori didnt. I followed him and turns out all seven of them live in the same home.
"Didnt expect you to be visiting." Mitsuki said.
"Yeah. Tamaki is gonna help me catch up on what i missed at school." Tamaki tool the uniform jacket off and just dropped it ashe headed up the stairs, i talked to mitsuki and yamato until tamaki came back. He was in his normal atire. He got his notebook out and explaimed everything to his best ability while i took note on it and i saw there was a ton of doodles in his notebook as well. I soon herd iori mumble something to his older brother.
"Yeah. Your right iori. It is like theyre dating." Mitsuki said so we could hear it loud and clear. After we were done i was gonna leave when yamato said i could stay for dinner if i wish. Well, at least i wont have to try anymore finnish food my brother brought from finland. I accepted and took off the uniform jacket and put it with my school stuff after folding it neatly.
"When do you think manager will let us sing and dance again?" Riku asked sogo.
"Not sure. All she said was that we cant dance for a while. I think shes just giving us some off time since we worked realy hard."
"Whoes your manager?" I asked.
"Tsugumi. She made us stop singing and dancing a week ago and so far, we all want to sing and dance again." Riku said and everyone agreed.
"I hope she lets us again soon. Its always alot of fun to sing and dance together."
"And tamaki has already did what he was told not to do three days after after school." Iori said glaring at tamaki and tamaki glared right back. I chuckled a bit at that.
"And dinner is done!" Mitsuki announced getting plates dished up. I thanked them again for having me over for dinner.
After dinner i was a bit tired. "Want me to walk you home?" Yamato asked acting like an older brother. I shook my head.
When i got home my mom asked where i was.
"The boys invited me for dinner after i got caught up on all the curriculum taught while i was home schooled." I replied and yawned.
"You accepted so you wouldnt have to try any more finnish dishes didnt you?"
"That and it was a kind thing to do. Sorry zavoin but finnish food is worst than english food(food from engkand sucks but finnish food is that but making it blander! Sorry finnish people eho actually like finnish food!)." I said and my brother was now sulking in a corner muttering things in finnish. "Im going to bed." I said as i heades to my room. I changed out of my uniform and went to bed.

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