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When it was almost time for tamaki to pick me up, my brother asked why i was getting dressed all fancy like.
"You will see in a bit." I left my room and then a knock as the door. My brother answered it and i told him to let tamaki in against my brothers will.
"I dont approve of this!"
Time skip to after the date cause my head is empty.
Tamaki had my hand in his the whole walk back to my home. I wasnt used to the physical contact but i didnt complain. He took me to a simple dance. It wasnt much but it was a nice first date. When we were at my door, he brought me close to him and kissed me on the lips. I melted into it instantly. When he released me he smiled.
"I love you naki-chan."
"Same to you, tama-kun. Have a safe trip home." He nodded and i didnt go inside until i saw his back disapear. My brother was a bit worried about where i was.
"Dont tell me, i will tell mom that your going out with boys."
"Fine then. Me and tamaki went on a date. How much more blunt can i be?"
"I still dont approve. Not in the slightest."
"Too bad. Your not mom or dad. Your just my over protective older brother."
"Im older by five years. Get over it." I went to my room and changed into something comfy and went to sleep.
When i got to school, tsuyoi still didnt look to happy when she saw me and tamaki talking while i drew. When class began, he went back to his seat. At lunch, tsuyoi grabbed my sketch book and flipped through the pages until she found the outfit i designed that was ment for iori. Tamaki desided to buy a lunch today so he wasnt in the classroom.
"Whats this?"
"Something im designing. I have it done for three different people so far. Just need four more."
"Who are you designing it for?"
"Nagi, mitsuki, yamato, sogo, riku, iori and tamaki. I just need to get mesurements from mitsuki, sogo and riku." I said.
"And why?"
"Because i felt like it and they asked to see what i could come up with. Simple as that. Give me back my sketch book please." I said.
"Maybe i should make these my own and show tamaki what I did."
"He wont believe yo-"
"He will believe me. Ive known him since the beginning of highschool and we would have been dating if you havent even shown up here at this school."
"Believe it or not, i didnt even want to attend a public school. Mainly because i would have to be around people and that i wouldnt be able to neglect my school work anymore. And i only knew Tamaki because my mom had him come over to try to get me to be more social after failing many times. Now i know why i was always anti social. People like you sicken me..." i had stood up and grabbed my sketch book from her and continued to draw while i ate my lunch. Soon iori saw me edit his outfit and commented.
"Not half bad. Keep up the good work." If iori praises you, you know your good at what he comments on. He is normally not a perfect ray of sunshine. Normally the opposite and can even be a tsundere when needed. Tsugumi had just about had it.
"Now him?! What is with you that people finds pleasant?!"
"Im not loud. I keep to myself. I keep most negative comments inside and output a happy, little sister like aura that people can take as either pleasant or annoying. Or both. It depends on the kind of person you are. And seems like your the kind of person that holds onto a small bit of negative until they find another negative to hold onto." She then slapped me. I didnt mind though. The slap was right before iori began to read. He went over to her and seemed pissed. I told him i was fine with it but he was acting like an older brother right now and wouldnt listen. I sighed in annoyance and continued to make the designs look nicer.
When it was time to leave school, i told iori and tamaki i needed some measurements from the rest of the guys to scale down to a drawing and followed them.
Time skip
When i got home, i was smiling a bit more than normal. "Whats with the smile nakia?" I shrugged and went to my room to change out of my school uniform. I was praised a lot for my drawings today. And tamaki was pretty much attached to me while i was drawing. He can be like a kid sometimes. Its kinda adourable. But i have heard that you dont want to make him mad or bad things happen. I dont know what happens, i was just told that bad things will happen. I put my sketch book on my desk and put on some shorts and a sweat shirt and conpleted my homework.

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