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"Come on tamaki. Chill out. Its just until august 15th."
"But thats a long time!"
"I know it is. But its not the end of the world. Just six months and then im back. The plane is about to leave. I will call ya when i land in america."
"But six months is half a year! I will lonely without you..."
"You can take care of konner if you want. Just tell my brother. Love ya tamaki."
"Ok... love you too." He ended the call and i put my phone in my pocket.

When the plane landed, i grabbed my stuff and found the family that was taking me in for six months.
"Nakia mirai. Nice to meet you." I said holding my hand out for them to shake.
"Its nice to finaly meet you too. Im jada leonard. This is karl, and the twins, luna and reo. I hope you feel at home with us." I nodded and i saw that the twins were hiding behind their dad. "Dont mind them. Theyre shy. But once they get ti know you, they will be less like this." I nodded and remembered that i needed ti calk Tamaki.
"Mind if i make a call real quick? I promised someone importance i would call them when i landed."
"Of course. Im gonna get us some lunch." Jada said and keft wuth the twins while karl watched my bags. I sat down somewhere and dialed tamakis number. I pressed call and he picked up after a few rings.
"Hello?"(everything in japanese is gonna be in italics).
"Im at the airport tamaki. I kept my promise to you."
"I miss you already naki-chan."
"I miss you too tama-kun. Did yiu decide to take care of konner yet?"
"I did. I brought him to my home. Hes been by me all the time though."
"He knows your special to me so hes staying close to you so he feels like hes with me."
"Cats are weird."
"And im the weird owner if that weird cat. Anyway. Im gonna have to go. Jada is back with lunch and after lunch we leave for their home. Talk to ya later tamaki. Love ya."
"Love you too." I ended the call and put my phone in my pocket and joined the leonard family.
"So was the person you were talking to called tamaki?" I nodded.
"He couldnt come because of his part time job. Hes been off but has to stay in case his boss tells him he needs to go back to work." I explained.
"Its always tough when you have to be away from someone you love." I nodded. Luna soon hugged my arm and wouldnt let go. I smiled at that and after we finished our lunch, we went to their car and out my things in the trunk. The twins fought over who would be by me in the car so i decided to sit in the middle and they clung to my arms. I thought that was cute. They were 12 but still acted like little kids. I smiled and ruffled their hair and they ended up falling aslee on me. I pulled out my phone and i saw i had a text from my brother.
"Hows america so far sis?" Is what it said.
"I just got here and so far, it looks a lot different from japan." I sent back.  My brother was probably making dinner though so that means i wont be able to talk to tamaki soon. He will be asleep soon. I put it in my pocket and looked out the window. It realy was different from japan. It was strange. Nothing had kanji, hiragana, katakana let alone romaji. Only English. There werent any shops that sold japanese books either.
When we got to the home i was staying at, i took my shoes off before stepping onto the carpet. Its a japanese habit. I saw that all the doors were the same as at the home i lived in in japan. I saw they had dogs. I frowned. I wasnt a dog person. I was a cat person. I hid behind jada and she chuckled.
"Never lived with dogs before?" I shook my head.
"Only a cat. Why are they sniffing me!"
"Sit still. They wont bite. They might lick you to death though." Karl said with a chuckle. As soon as the four dogs were done sniffing me, karle lead me to my room. It wasnt big but it wasnt small. It was cozy. I out my things away after thanking him. I out my laptop on the desk and set up my charging system again. My laptop was plugged in now and my phone charger was plugged into the outlet by the bed. I was tired and went to sleep. You gotta love jet lag! Note my sarcasm. I was woken up when it was time for dinner.
"Seems like jet lag is getting to you already."
"Gotta love it..." i said as i was trying not to fall asleep while eating. The meals were different here as well. Nothing so far had an equal amount of each food group! After dinner, the twins begged me to tell them about japan and what its like.
"Its a lot differet from america. Everything is written in different kinds of letters and we speak a different way as well. You two are super curious about things. Thats a great quality." I translated what i said and they smiled.
When i woke up i was told the way to my new school and told me to where whatever. So i wore a flannel with jeans and left. I brought my backpack and i got more nervous the closer i got to the school.
When i got to the school, i was given a tour and then i went to a math class and i was introduced by the teacher. I realy wanted to correct her. She said my last name incorrectly.
"I-its peonounced mirai. Not merai." I said looking down. She said a half assed appology and it went like this throughout the day. I kept looking next to me in hopes to find tamaki there. Smiling back at me.

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