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"Come on nakia. You have to get up. You have to be at your school in fifteen minutes and im not driving you." My mom said as she shook my large pillow under the covers.
"I know." I said walking into my room while brushing my teeth. I pushed my mom out and got dressed in my uniform. I then spat out the toothpaste water i had in my mouth and left for school. And so far the conflict between me and tsuyoi is still ongoing but is more onesided now. And shes keeping it going now. When i was changing my shoes, tsuyoi tried to spill coffee on me but i grabbed it from her hand.
"Nice try. I live with my older brother and he used to pull the same things on me." I sighed as i set it beside me and got done with changing my shoes. I then went to class and tried to get tamaki to wake up. I pretty much want school to end sooner because im going to be an exchange student in america. Im slightly worried since im barly passing english. Im barely passing because i copy notes from those i sit by and cheat on the tests. He kept waving me off but then i decided to do something he might kill me for.
"If you dont wake up, tamaki, i will eat your puding."
"No... dont eat the puding..." he said sitting up. At least hes up. He then made sure his lunch was still in his desk. He sighed in relief. "That wast very nice." He yawned while rubbing his eyes a bit.
"You realy need to go to bed earlier so your not tired in the morning you goof." I said.
"I go to be the same time as iorin." He said as i sat down in my seat.
"Then go to bed before him."
"No. Why do you seem happier for school today?"
"Im excited for after school."
"Whats after school that your excited about?"
"Exchange student program. Im going to america for it. I will only be gone till the summer as well."
"But summer is a long way to go. I wont let you leave!" He said.
"You have my phone number and email address. You can video call me all you want same with normal calling. You will be fine tama-kun."
"I will still miss you though. And if i didnt let you use my notes, you would be failing english."
"I can still speak some english!" I said in english. "And besides, the people i will be staying with will teach me more english." He frowned. Normally when hes around me, he smiles a bit.
"But what if you dont like america?"
"Then i will ask to come back early. If i do like america, i will stay until its the summer." He then hugged me. I pet his head until he let go of me. I sat down and tsuyoi asked why her tamaki hugged me. I said her tamaki weirdly because shes a possessive fuck.
"Dont ignore me!"
"Im gonna be leaving after school until the summer. Hes not all that happy about it."
"And for the last time, why are you two always around each other? It gets annoying!"
"Shes my girlfriend. We she also knows iorin."
"I dont care. Iori-san is like a second teacher." She said. "His brother on the other hand..."
"Hes in his 20's. Like didnt treat him so well with his height." I stated. She seemed shocked.
"I always thought he was in the same grade as us but was home schooled!"
"No." Tamaki said. "I work with him so i should know."
"Oh, forgot what you guys did for a job for a second there. Whens your next consert?"
"We havent been doing much lately. Our manager is keeping us from doing anything until she feels like we had enough of a break."
"Dang it... i want to see you perfoem again. What about MEZZO-"
"Sorry. So-kun has been ill lately. And all means all."
When it was my favorite subject in class, i ended up reading everything from the book. I had learned a lot about literature from my mom so i found that language arts is my favorite and best subject. Iori didnt get to read at all. Yay for me! And then the teacher said that i had to read something from memory. Shit... i kept looking down at my book and suttering and they decided to let Iori recite the excerpt. He did it perfectly. Im gonna be glad im away from that guy. Hes not the most pleasant person to be around.
At the end of the day, tamaki ended up following me home.
"You know you dont have to walk me home, right?"
"I know. Im not letting you go away for a long time that easily. You might not want to come back.."
"As long as you, my mom and my brother are here, i will always want to come back. Besides. You were the first person ive been close to since i was 10."
"Why werent you aboe to be public schooled until recently?" He asked.
"People began to stress me out and i ended up getting a bit too hurt and i avoided people all together. I wouldnt even go near my mom for a while. Thanks to you, im almost how i was before that happened." He hugged me close to him. I chuckled and hugged him back. He was a good guy and i didnt want to go to america without him. But sadly its only one exchange studant a house hold and he hasvto stay in case the boys' manager decides to have them work again.
When i got home, i invited tamaki in and i informed my brother that i was home.
"Welcome back. Go get ready to leave for the airport. Your leaving tomarrow morning at 5 to be at the air port by 6. Oh. Hey tamaki." Tamaki nodded towards my brother. I found konner and picked him up.
"Be a good kitty while im gone konner. You be nice to uncle zavion, he will be nice back. If i hear anything bad, no treats when i get back." I told him. He mewed his understanding. I then remembered that i had to show tamaki what i had of the song i was writing for them. I let him and only him see the lyrics but i didnt show him the music though. I hugged him around the sholders from behind while he was in my desk chair. He faced me with a smile and put the notebook ony desk again. He then kissed me on the lips. Not expected from him but im not complaining though. When we parted he stood up and hugged me again.
"Im not letting go of you now that i have you." He said.
"Come on you goof! Let go!"
"Nakia! Mom said she wont be home until aftet dinner so im in charge of making dinner! If he wants to, Tamaki can stay for dinner! And by the way, tamaki, you should man up soon or an american will take her from you." He finally accepted Tamaki. Im glad. I blushed cause i knew what he ment. Stupid pervy mind! He then sat down on my chair again but with me on his lap facing away from him. He covered my mouth, pulled the uniform off my sholder a bit and bit and sucked. I was a bit shocked and when he let me go, he kissed my cheek. He then began to help me try to understand how to write in english. He may seem lazy but if you allow him to doodle while learning, he can actually learn a lot. By the time dinner was ready, my brain hurt along with my hand and wrist. Many many pencils were abused tonight.
"Judging by the long sleeved shirt on nakia, you maned up. Didnt you?" He blushed a bit. My brother went behind me and tried to move my sleeve but i smacked his hand hard enough to leave a mark. "Your lucky she doesnt hit you tamaki." I smacked my brother again.

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