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"Whats that your writing in?" Tsuyoi asked. We had just gotten back in class and i was working on the song i promised the boys.
"Nothing. Now stop snooping!" She scoffed and grabbed the notebook and before she could even harm it, it was grabbed by tamaki and he handed it back. I thanked him. He ruffled my hair in return. I chuckled a bit. Tsuyoi was glaring at me.
"Whats with the glare?" I asked.
"I still dont see why he likes you and not me."
"Im nice, your not. Im not egotistical, you are. Im not a dramaqueen, you are. I dont ask for fan service, you do. You try to take credit for things i do. I dont take credit for anything i didnt do. Got the idea?" She scoffed at me again.
"You are exactly what you said i was." I ignorred her and continued to work on the song. I already have the outfit designs. I just have to make them, finish the instrumentals and finish the lyrics. Soon iori came over and grabbed the notebook.
"Give that back!" He looked at me and then back at the page.
"Not bad nakia." He said and gave it back and sat down again pulled and out his book. I glared at him. No one was supposed to read the lyrics until i started getting measurments for the outfits. Tamaki might have gotten a few glances because he would grab the notebook and hold it so he had to look up to read it. Iori looked and glared back. It was a cruel glare. I looked away and worked on the yrics some more. Soon the teacher came in, wrote self study on the board and left. I continued to work on the lyrics. Tamaki pulled the chair of the desk infront of me out and sat on it so the backrest was against his stomach. I looked up, smiled and continued. Soon the pencil i was using began to make the finger it rested on sore. I dug through my pockets to find a small cloth and i wrapped it around all my fingers but my pointer finger and thumb. I grabbed for my pencil but tamaki had it and was doodling on the side of where i was writing. I write things in an american way because i was never taught properly. I was only taught the brush, pen and pencil strokes. Tamaki soon asked why i did that.
"Why do you write things this way, naki-chan?"
"I was never taught properly and the habit sticks. And i also had to get used to writing in english for most of the year so that didnt help. I can try to write like everyone else but it may not be as good." He ruffled my hair.
"Its cute." He said with a smile. I blushed a bit and looked down. Other people just critisize the way i write but he thinks its cute.
"You shouldnt encourage his sloppy writing, tamaki-kun." It was a different girl. Tsuyoi was in a different class but would come here for a bit in the morning to be around tamaki.
"Please dont call me that."
"You let him call you tama-kun so why wouldnt i be able to?"
"Nakia is a girl. And ive known her for for a long while now. And the way she writes is cute."
"Its sloppy and its going the wrong way." I was gonna tear out the pages of the song to rewrite the right way but tamaki grabbed my wrist before i could.
"Please dont naki-chan." He said as he let my wrist go. I nodded and continued.
"Never knew you were into guys tamaki-"
"Nakia is a girl. She just likes her hair short and likes to wear guys clothes."
"Then we will know in gym." She then sat down in her seat and Tamaki held note books on both sides of our faces and kissed me on the lips. I blushed and he parted and put the note books down on their respective desks. Im now blushing like an idiot as i wrote. He just smiled.
"Why did you suddenly turn into Nagi for a second there?" I asked.
"I didnt though. Has he tried to do that to you?" He asked.
"You know what i mean. And if he did try, i would have given him a good slap. I dont care that he is older than us." I said and continued to write until it was good. I ended the last verse with the words 'thank you' and sighed.
"Already done writing? Can i hear the instromentals now?"
"Why not?"
"The instromentals arent done. I write the words first and then the instromentals so i know the music will go well with the words."
"Can we show tsugumi the lyrics at least? She decides what we do for work." I nodded.
After school, tamaki began to walk in a direction that didnt lead anywhere but the trainstation. "Where are we going?"
"To show Tsugumi-san what you made for us. She should still be there."
"I didnt mean today."
"But i might forget if we wait."
"Tamaki..." he then ignorred me. I yawned a bit and rested my head on his arm and ended up taking a nap.
When we got there, he shook me awake and he lead me to a building.
When we got to a room in the building, i saw a platinum blond haired girl and a blond man and a white rabbit with a bow.
"Hey tamaki! What brings you here so late in the day? And whoes your friend?" The man asked
"Nakia. And she wrote us a song." Im clinging to his sleeve and had my notebook close to my chest. The girl was realy pretty.
"Not every day a fan writes you guys a song!" The girl said.
"She wasnt origionally a fan until we dragged her along to one of our performances. But shes fun to have around."
"Anyway, can i see the song?" I nodded, got it so the page amd handed it to her.
When she was done, she nodded. And handed it back.
"Dad, im gonna be schedualling the next meet up with the boys!" She said and ran out after she handed the rabbit off to her dad.
"Sorry about my daughters first impression. Normally shes a bit less energetic."
"Its fine. Being around the boys in the morning is worst."
"We arent that bad!"
"You guys are worst than my brother in the morning."
When i got home, i appologised foe being late.
"Where did you go?" My mom asked before my brother could.
"A friends house."
"The only friends im aware of you having are tamaki and his friends and konner. Have a new friend?" I lied and nodded and went to my room. But before i even made it, my brother told my mom about me and tamaki.
"Nakianne Rei Mirai! Get your ass over here!" Shit. She doesnt use my full name unless im on deep shit. I went back and say next to Zavion.
"Y-yes?" I asked, afraid that she will yell at me some more.
"Promise me a few things. No sex, now kissing, only dates where i can 're asiy find you, when your 19 and are in college and you two do have sex, use condoms, make sure he has you back before 11:35 pm each day, alert me on where you go when you two do go on dates-"
"Enough mom. Im still too anti social for dates let alone anything else." I said and Zavion began to laugh.
"Let her finish or she will start over."
"Fine." She continued for another five minutes listing everything off.
"And if you decide to move in with each other, give me the address and a spar key." Im about dead.
"Fine..." i muttered as my face was now burried into the surface of the table. I then went to my room and face planted. I looked at the calender on my wall and tomarrow was the start of preparing the school festival thats supposed to welcome future freshmen and so they get to feel what its like at our school. I smiled and passed out. Im done for the day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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