Chapter Six - Hidden Gold

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Chapter Six

Hidden Gold

By the time the girls returned, exhausted and grimy, from their near-death experience at the Mafia hideout, it was late in the night and Gopal’s father was furious.

“You know what I said girls, and it seems as if you haven’t respected my words. We’d rather wish that you don’t ride our horses anymore. Look at the horses! They look as if they’ve been ridden too hard and rested properly.”

The girls were devastated and, after his father left, Gopal confessed that some VIP had called his father and spread that the girls were abusing the horses, demanding that they not be allowed to ride anymore. “I am really sorry, and I’ll continue to care for Amber. Of course, because she’s a girl horse, you will have to find an alternative stable eventually, Bala.”

“Girl horses and girl children all seem to have a tough time getting by,” said Mary, sighing.

The girls agreed and, dragged their feet, went back into their rooms in the hotel.

Everyone felt more optimistic the next day, however, after a good night’s sleep. Bala and Granny were particularly excited when Judge Trishul Sharma, Bala’s father, arrived from Bangalore.

All the girls piled on Granny’s bed and, between all of them, the Kodaikanal adventure was released for his benefit.

Bala still felt badly about endangering her friends’ lives at the Mafia compound.

“Why did not you wait for me, Bala?” asked Trishul.

“Because she is a child and impulsive, and people let her have her way,” muttered Granny.

“I am afraid that they would move all the tree-chopping machinery.”

“And did you see the machinery in the compound?”

“Well, not up close; but I saw a helicopter.”

“Helicopters are illegal, Bala.”

“But Papa, why did they try to kill us?”

“Who took you into the animal gas chamber?”

“Mehta took us there with armed guards.”

“I’m sure Ramanathan knew what they were doing. Maybe he didn’t give the order, at least in front of us, but he’s the man in charge,” argued Mary.

“So, it is this fellow Mehta, who must be apprehended.”

“Yes, and those mean guards too.”

Later they all went down for breakfast and found, of all people Mr. Ramanathan sitting at a table.

“Oh, Judge Sharma! I’m so dreadfully sorry about last night!” 23

“Your employees tried to kill my daughter. I should say you should be sorry! And moreover, you must be punished.”

Ramanathan Swami’s face turned pale as he pulled a chair from another table and sat down.

“You must believe me Judge,” he whispered. “I had nothing to do with what happened! It was a terrible mix up. I told my men to send the girls out through the animal quarters. I thought they would enjoy seeing all the big cats. The girls were caught trespassing on my private property, after all, and after I specifically asked them to stay away. But, doesn’t matter…ha.. ha…I know that they’re only kids. It’s really Mehta, between you and me, Judge. He’s such a crude man, not from South at all! But, you know they make excellent foreman. Don’t worry, I’ve fired him. He’ll never work again in this State, I promise you! And the other men involved have been fired as well. Terrible incident, simply terrible! How can I make amends?”

Bala Devi, Girl-Child Avatar - Book Two - Holiday in KodaikanalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora