Chapter Twelve - Pure Love

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Chapter Twelve

Pure Love

Bala ran pell-mell into the Shiva temple. She knew the type of men who were involved in the invasion. They, like their boss, Mehta, were capable of killing or torturing human beings for the sport of it. Their hearts were totally devoid of any kind of compassion and they thrived on human misery.

Putting her small arms around the lingam itself, she sat on the lip of the yoni and waited.

“Oh, Mummy! Some demons have come and I don’t think they can be transformed like you said to do. Maybe in a billion life-times, but not now, I’m sure of it. Please, Mummy, please kill these bad men and save your Bala. I’m scared now.”

Bala heard the men laughing and talking so loud as they jumped over the compound wall. Still she clung to the lingam, her cheek on the smooth, black, stone surface.

“I could just disappear from this place and come back to heaven, couldn’t I? I don’t care very much what happens to this silly little body I’m living in. But, I guess I really don’t like pain at all, just like everyone. I feel pain too, Mummy! That’s what I’ll do then, okay? I’ll just come home NOW. It would be cowardly though, huh? It would be letting everyone down too, I guess. And, Ajay would never know what ever happened to me, and…and Uma and Premala and Mary. So many people would feel so bad. And what about my parents? Gosh!”

She heard the men laughing as they approached the house. “Those mean old men! I’ll bet even their mothers didn’t love them one little bit! I’ll bet they never had any love at all. That terrible Mehta, killing Amber’s mother like that…and forest fire that killed so many little animals! I hate him Mummy! Yes, I do so!! Maybe not hate, but I almost hate him! Sure I know that it’s hard to love people when nobody ever loved you, but I don’t know how to love mean people. You mean I can


always love their real self? You mean the self that is like me? Is that what you mean, Mummy? Tell me.”

The words came slowly into her head, so that she would fully understand and practice them for the rest of her life.

“God is love. Love is the greatest power known to man. Every being is motivated by this perfect love power. Bala, you must love that perfect love in each, whether it is manifesting now or not. Then those people will be transformed, because your love is pure, divine love and it is most powerful. Love them, Bala, and these men will be saved.

“I’ll try,” she whispered, as she kissed the Shiva lingam. “But, it’s hard and rather be back in heaven with you and my Father.”

The gangsters moved around the compound without interference, enjoying themselves. They couldn’t quite believe their luck! It had been so easy. Laughing and rough-housing with one another, they made themselves at home. In the kitchen they fried steaks, and in the living room they stretched out with cans of beer as they watched TV. A few were tired and went upstairs to lie on the beds, still wearing their sooty, filthy shoes. But, no one went near the temple.

Bala felt cold, and she trembled slightly before she rose and made her way outside the temple. She stood on the tiled steps, roses entwined in her braids, a mala of jasmine in her hands, and she gazed out upon the world, smiling.

Gradually, a few men noticed her.

“Hey, Boss, there’s a kid down there in front of the temple.”

“So, what?”

“In front of the Shiva temple, Boss, there’s a little girl just standing there.”

Bala Devi, Girl-Child Avatar - Book Two - Holiday in KodaikanalWhere stories live. Discover now