Chapter Eight - Secret is Out

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Chapter Eight

Secret is Out

Gopal got through! He knew all the shortcuts and so he raced through the woods all the way down to Dindigual, not even realizing that the mafia had sent a ‘hit-man’, Mehta, in a four-wheel-drive jeep, to pick him off with a telescopic rifle.

The police were delighted with the news of the smuggled gold turning up in their district. It would be a real feather in their cap when they captured the international gold smuggler. And when Superintendent Ibrahim called the Gold Control Authorities in Chennai, he was told that Customs agent in charge of this particular case had just left to Kodai for Madurai, where he could be intercepted and asked to return. The agent would be back in Kodai by nine in the morning at the latest, accompanied by the smiling Superintendent Ibrahim and a brigade of troops. 29

Gopal was very happy but, as he placed his foot in the stirrup to start his journey back, he heard a ‘ping, ping’. Someone was shooting at him right in front of the police station.

The police heard it also and came running out. Amazingly, there wasn’t a soul in sight. Finally, Gopal shrugged his shoulders, declined a police escort and took off down a ravine where a car could not follow. He rode as the falcon flies, all the way back to Kodai, using an untried route, ducking under waterfalls and jumping streams. He was absolutely sure that he wasn’t followed.

It was dark when he reached his house. He thought that he should return to speak to Judge Sharma, no matter what the time, and so he changed his clothes and was about to mount his horse when his father arrived home.

“Where are you going so late, son?”

“Bach to the Walton, Papa, I have work with Judge Sharma.”

“I don’t like you spending so much time with the girls. It doesn’t look nice.”

“Well, Papa, I have a feeling something might work out here with Judge Sharma. I like him a great deal, and I like Bala and the other girls as well. Granny is kick!”

“You mean like a permanent project? I thought that they were just on a holiday.”

“Well, they are, but they are interested in looking at land too.”

“Oh, I see, well in that case.”

“And I want to marry Uma,” he blurted out.

“She’s not related to them.”

“I know she’s like a daughter.”

“Besides, you’ve nothing to offer a wife at this point.”

“But perhaps I will, if this project gets off on the ground. I don’t know, Papa, but I can’t pull away at this point.”

“I don’t like her very much. There’s something, well, not refined about her. Must be scheduled caste.”

“Her heart is very refined, Papa, and her mind is right on schedule.”

“Love match, huh? Dreadfully uncertain.”

“I’m not courting her, Papa, it would have to be arranged by the Judge, and I haven’t broached the subject with him or the girl.”

“Well, whatever is best for you, my son, is what I also desire. What about dowry?”

“Don’t even mention the word around these people, Papa, they wouldn’t speak to me ever again. They are very opposed!”

“I want you to be happy, son.”

“Thanks, Papa,” Gopal said, and for the first time in a long time, gave his father a big hug.

When Gopal knocked on Sharma’s door in the hotel, it was quite late, but no one had gone to bed.

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