it must have been cold there in my shadow

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harry wouldn't call himself antisocial. sure, he liked being at home in his bed over partying with friends but he's not antisocial.

he preferred the word reclusive. he only socializes when he wants to, not when others want him to. he'd rather be home right now but his mom dragged him to the hospital so he could accompany her during her checkup. there really was no point of him going because he wasn't even allowed in the room.

he sends a quick text to his mom saying that he's going for a short walk before he walks out the hospital. harry doesn't really like hospitals. he doesn't like how every patient's situation are so diverse. one person could be receiving the worst news of life while the other is simply there for a checkup.

harry's stomach turns when he seems someone being rushed into the hospital on a gurney. he takes that back. he doesn't simply dislike hospitals, he hates them.

harry finds himself at the back of the hospital. there's an old, rusty bench that looks like it hasn't been sat on in years. harry quickly pulls out his phone and opens the camera.

harry loves photography. there was a mess up with his schedule back in high school and he was forced to take a photography class. he's so glad he did though because it all branched from there. he now takes pictures for events such as weddings, family photos, or school photos.

he goes down on his knees to try to get a good angle of the bench. he's about to take the picture, but something else catches his eye. a boy with curly hair creeps around the corner, looking over his shoulder every few steps.

"you know," harry calls out, "if you don't want to get caught by whatever you're hiding from, i suggest not looking so suspicious."

the boy flushes and looks down at his feet. "m'not hiding from anyone." he murmurs.

"really? because you look like you're up to no good." the boy doesn't answer. he walks over to the bench harry was admiring and sits down. "what are you doing back here?" harry asks.

"i'm come back here whenever i need a break from the hospital." the boy answers. "what about you?"

"same." harry notices that the boy isn't wearing any shoes. "are you here often?"


"you said you needed a break from the hospital." harry says slowly. "so do you come here often."

"i volunteer." the boy nods and finally looks up at harry. the first thing harry notices is that the boy is gorgeous. he has soft brown eyes that seem to glow in the sun, he has this boyish grin on his face, and his lips are a nice pink shade. his skin is fairly pale but it suits him. "are you a patient or do you just like standing behind hospitals?"

"i'm waiting for my mom to finish her checkup." harry sits down next to the boy. "so you're name is liam?"

"how'd you know that?" liam asks and furrows his eyebrows. harry chuckles and points to liam's hospital bracelet. "oh," liam blushes and covers it up with his hand, "i forgot i had that on."

"they make volunteers wear hospital bracelets?"

"yeah. i guess it makes the patient more comfortable. like we're one of them." liam shrugs. harry hums. he's never heard of that before. "what's your name?" liam asks.

"harry styles."

"nice to meet you harry."

"the pleasure's all mine." harry says and shakes liam's clammy hand making him giggle. "so-"

"liam james payne! what did i tell you about coming back here?" a woman in a uniform yells and walks towards the both of them.

"i'm sorry sophia. i just needed a little fresh air." the woman's face softens and she lets out a long sigh.

"it's okay bub. you need to come inside soon though. you know you can't stay out here too long."

"i know." liam says and lowers his head. sophia gives harry a quick smile before she walks in the direction she came from.

"who was that?" harry asks.

"sophia. she's a nurse here."

"are you guys close?"

liam nods. "known her for a few years now."

"well i should let you go." harry says and stands up. "don't want to get you in trouble."

"thanks harry. it was nice meeting you."

"i'll see you around, yeah?" harry says. liam smiles and waves goodbye. harry turns on his heel and walks around the corner. he stops behind a bush and crouches down with his phone in his hand.

it's a perfect shot of liam sitting on the old bench with his head down.

then harry takes the picture.

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