i can fly higher than an eagle

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"oh my god i'm so excited!" eleanor yells.

"i really don't understand why."

"you don't understand why!? i'm finally meeting liam!" she yells again."i'm meeting harry's boyfriend! i'm meeting harry's boyfriend!" eleanor sing-songed.

"he's not my boyfriend." harry mumbles, a blush overtaking his cheeks.

"okay but you want him to be." eleanor accuses. when harry's cheeks turn a deeper red she screams again.

"would you stop doing th-"

"you like him! i knew it!" she cackles. "this is so cute."

"okay. maybe i like him a little bit. so please don't scare him away. he's super sweet and soft and i don't want to lose him."

"super sweet? and soft!? i'm done!" she says dramatically and falls to the floor. "oh my god harry you are so whipped."

"i'm not whipped." he protests.

"you're whipped."

"please don't act like this when liam's here." harry whines.

"i won't." she promises. "i'm tired anyway. i'll probably just say hi to him and leave you two alone. the hospital has been wearing me out!" eleanor says and flips onto her stomach. "but did you know that every two weeks there's this bus that comes and it has all types of scrubs and shoes. you just take them and it comes out of your paycheck!"

"that's cool..." he trails off. his phone vibrates and he grabs it. liam had texted harry that he was here. "okay," he sighs, "he's here. please don't act yourself."

"yes daddy." she teases. she wiggles her eyebrows and starts to giggle into her elbow.

harry quickly walks over to the door. he opens it and instantly smiles when he sees liam's pretty face. "hi li."

"hi." he smiles. "sorry i'm so late. i left the house a little later than i wanted to. and then i had to stop and get her flowers. i hope she likes roses."

"liam i told you not get her anything!"

"i want to make a good impression! she's your best friend."

"so what? she'll love you. i promise." harry says and pulls liam into his house.

"i'm nervous." liam says.

"you don't need to be. she love you." he repeats. they walk into the living room hand in hand, eleanor still laying on the floor. "eleanor i'd like for you to meet liam. liam, eleanor."

eleanor lifts up her head and when she sees liam, she immediately scrambles to her feet. "liam!?" she yells.

liam immediately lets go of harry's hand and drops the banquet of roses. "eleanor." he holds his hands out as if he's gesturing to stop. he's shaking his head repeatedly.

"what's going on here?" harry asks. "do you guys know each other?" it's obvious that they know each other, he just wants to know how.

"harry. would you go in the kitchen and get liam and i drinks please?" it comes out more as a command while she never takes her eyes off liam.

"okay..." harry looks at liam for some type of answer but liam doesn't look at him. he walks into the kitchen, hiding around the corner to try to see what they are saying. they're talking too quietly for harry to understand so he just gives up and gets the drinks.

when he walks back into the living room, eleanor and liam are pulling away from a hug.

"i'm not feeling too well. i'm gonna go." liam sniffs. his eyes are red and tears are running down his cheeks. "those flowers are for you by the way." he tells eleanor. liam walks over to harry and wraps his arms around his waist. "i'll see you soon." liam whispers and then he's gone.

"what happened? what did you do!?" harry asks as soon as he hears the front door shut.

"take care of him harry." she says quietly with tears brimming her eyes. "take care of him."

short but important. any ideas on what's going on?

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