fly, fly, fly high against the sky

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it was pouring down rain. the power went out but hey- harry's not complaining. it gives him an excuse to bring out his sugar cookie scented candles.

he's currently sitting smack dab in the middle of the living room working on his little 'project.' the rain and the darkness of the room sets the mood. he's determined and almost finished. at least he thinks he is. you never know.

he wants liam to be here with him. or he'd rather be there. harry was tempted to get in the car and drive to liam's house but liam said no, not wanting harry to go out into the dangerous weather.

it's scary how attached he is to liam. he can't even last a day without seeing him. if it's been longer than a day, harry will call him just so he can hear his voice. it's pathetic, really.

harry's doorbell rings just as he's putting the picture a place. "just a minute!" he yells. a crack of thunder reminds harry about the storm so no, he shouldn't make whoever it is at the door wait. he gets to his feet, grabbing a candle on his walk to the door.

he opens the door to see his best friend drenched in the rain. "el!? come on, get inside." harry grabs her arm and pulls her into his house. he doesn't hesitate to take off his shirt and give it to eleanor. "here. put this on." eleanor strips from her wet clothes right in front of him. they've changed in front of each other numerous of times let alone seen each other naked. eleanor is left with harry's shirt and her underwear as she hugs the clothes to her chest. "the best thing i can do is hang these up." he says and grabs them out of her hands. "i'll go do that and you can meet me in the living room."
eleanor stays put and that's when harry realizes she hasn't said a word since she got there. "you okay?"

eleanor nods, her eyes still focused on the floor. without looking at harry, she slowly walks to the living room. that's weird, harry thinks. eleanor is always talking. he walks to his laundry room and sets the candle down on the dryer. he blindly hangs up eleanor's clothes, praying that the power comes on soon.

when he walks back to the living room, eleanor is sat on the floor with harry's book in her hands. "you know," she says without looking up, "when i first started my job, they told me not to get too connected with my patients. and i kind of just blew it off because why would i do that?"

harry sets the candle down on the floor and sits next to it. "but one day i was told i was assigned to a new patient. sophia talked about him like she was in love with him." eleanor chuckles, looking down at her lap while picking her nails. "when i first met liam, he didn't even look sick. he was buoyant, lively and all smiles. i could tell him and sophia were close from the get-go. he immediately got so shy around me. it was cute."

"it didn't take him long to warm up to me. we got close just like him and sophia were. i'm an idiot for not putting two and two together. especially when you told me about his incident on your trampoline. i'm so stupid!" eleanor pulls at the roots of her hair and finally looks up at harry.

"he made my job not feel like work anymore. although i loved seeing him there, in loved not seeing him more because that meant he was doing well. i love him."

"i can't do this harry. i can't show karen liam's test results and basically tell her there's nothing we can do. i can't look at the donor list and know there's no hope. i can't go into his room without thinking that one day, maybe, it won't be his room anymore. one day, he'll be gone. i can't do this!"

harry crawls over to eleanor and wraps his arms around her. he pushes her head to his chest, not caring about her wet hair on his bare skin. "he's going to die harry! he's going to die and there's nothing we can do about it. he's deserves so much and he gets this. i love him so much."

all harry can do is hold her as she breaks down. he feels like he can't breathe. a harsh chill runs down his body when he realizes how real this is. even liam's nurse knows that liam isn't going to beat this.

they're all going to lose liam and there's nothing they can do about it.

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