it might have appeared to go unnoticed

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lmao i totally forgot it was friday.

harry isn't allowed in the room for another hour. he was about to say fuck it and walk in there himself but he couldn't cause a scene. not when karen is also sitting in the waiting room, her leg bouncing up and down as she cries into her hands.

eleanor and another nurse (who looked so familiar) walk over to them. "you guys can go see him if you'd like." the nurse says. "he's awake."

"harry you go ahead." karen says, surprising them all. "i'll stay here and talk to the doctor." harry looks at her and she smiles. "go on."

he stands to his feet and wipes his sweaty palms onto his jeans. "what room?"

"201." eleanor replies. "be patient with him, yeah?"

"i will." what is liam going to tell him? harry walks down the hallway, being careful not to accidentally pass liam's room. when he reaches room 201, the first thing he notices is that liam's name is printed on the plaque outside the door.

he knocks twice, hears a faint 'come in,' and he opens the door.

"hi harry." is the first thing liam says. liam doesn't even look like liam. all the color from his face is drained. there's an oxygen tube in his nose and harry just wants to cry.

harry walks over to the blue couch next to the hospital bed and sits down. "what the hell is going on?" liam stays silent and fiddles with his hospital band. "you had me worried sick. i didn't know what was going on, i didn't know what to do, i just stood there like a complete idiot!"

"you're not an idiot."

"why does it feel like everybody is in on a little secret except for me?" he continues. "what is going on liam?" he isn't yelling, but he's close to it.

"if i tell you, i need you to be patient with me." liam says.

"i will."

"and please just let me talk. don't interrupt me. i'll explain everything and if you have any questions afterwards i'll answer them for you."

"i won't interrupt you." harry promises.

"okay." liam lets out a long sigh and harry is about to tell him he shouldn't be releasing any air he doesn't have but he remembers he's supposed to be quiet. "my mom and dad were sixteen when they had me. my dad always put my mom and i first. he dropped out of high school so he could work more and provide for our family. my mom wanted to drop out as well but he always told her no. he wanted her to get an education and graduate. he loved her so much. and boy did they spoil me. we were such a happy family."

"when my dad was eighteen, he was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. it's a group of diseases that affect the heart muscle. his life was literally drained from his body. he became more tired each day. we stopped going out as a family and my mom had to take care of me and him."

"he died when i was three. of course i didn't know what was going on. all i knew is that one day he was here and the next he wasn't. one thing i was certain about is that it made my mom very upset. again, i didn't know why she was so sad but little old me vowed to never see her cry again. so i did my all to keep her happy. throughout the years i made sure her life was as stress free as possible. i made sure she didn't have to care or worry about anyone else. that is until..." liam takes a long pause.

"harry.. when i was eighteen i was also diagnosed with cardiomyopathy."

"i was terrified. every day i could just feel my life getting shorter. i felt so disappointed because i never wanted my mom to worry ever again and now she had to worry about me. i was put on the donors list but my blood type is rare and it only made up about five percent of donors. both me and my mom accepted the fact that i was going to die."

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