you always walked a step behind

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the chapters will get longer as they go by.. i promise!!

"what do you want to do?"

"i don't know." liam says with a shrug of his shoulders.

harry groans and runs his hands down his face. "who knew we were so boring?"

it's been about a month since the boys exchanged numbers. they easily found an interest in each other and wanted to hang out soon.

they were now sitting on liam's bed trying to decide how to spend their time together.

liam flushes and bites his lip while looking down at his lap. "i'm sorry," he says, "i know i'm not the most fun person to be around. i've never really had a friend before so i don't know what to do."

"oh hush." harry says fondly. "i'd be doing this exact thing if i were home. it's better when someone is with you." harry says and nudges liam with his elbow.


"yeah. you really gotta stop talking so lowly about yourself dude." he says and ruffles liam's curls. "you're amazing."

"you think so?"

"i know so. so if i hear another self-deprecating comment come out of your mouth i'll..." harry trails off to think of something in the least bit threatening. "i don't know what i'll do but it won't be nice!"

"okay harry." liam laughs.

"any ideas on what we should do today?"

"we could go grocery shopping with my mom. i know it's not that fun but she's about to leave." liam suggests.

"grocery shopping is fun. you've just never been with me."

"okay we'll go." he takes a deep breath before yelling, "mom!"

almost instantly, karen comes running down the hallway and into liam's room. "what happened!? what's wrong?"

"mom calm down." liam says and stands to his feet. "i'm fine."

karen sighs in relief. "okay." she pauses and takes a deep breath. "well what did you need?"

"harry and i wanted to go grocery shopping with you if that's okay."

"i don't mind at all! come on, i was just about to leave. liam don't forget to wear your scarf so you can cover your mouth and nose."

"do i have to?" liam whines.

before karen can reply, harry blurts out, "what do you need a scarf for? it's not even cold out."

liam quickly shoots a look at his mom and opens his mouth, closes it, and opens it back again. "i-uh. i'm still getting over a cold. i don't want to make things worse by having the wind blow in my face."

"oh." harry says. "well do you have an extra scarf i can borrow? we can make a fashion statement."

both liam and karen laugh. harry notices how they both lean back and grab their stomachs. "sure harry." liam says. "i have a ton in my closet. you can even pick one out." liam chuckles.

karen chuckles at the two boys. "i'll meet you guys in the car."

as harry goes through liam's collection of scarves, he says, "you know, i find it funny that our version of fun is going to the grocery store." he laughs. "i mean we're young! we should be living free and being reckless!"

liam smiles sadly. "i stopped living free a long time ago. trust me, those days have been gone."

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