did i ever tell you you're my hero?

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"harry go. i'll be fine."


"i don't want to hear it."

"but what if something happens while i'm gone?"

"i live with my mom for a reason. if something happens, it happens. it's just something i've learned to live with." liam shrugs.

"but i don't feel entirely comfortable going out of town without you!" harry says. "please i'll just tell my mom something came up and i can't go."

"harry this is your uncle's funeral. you need to be with your family. don't worry about me. just go as if you would go before you knew about me." harry whines in protest and stomps his foot. liam chuckles and wraps his petit arms around harry's lank body.

"you can still come with me." harry offers.

"no." he says. liam stands up on his tip-toes and kisses harry's cheek. "i'll see you in three days."

three days later and harry is impatiently tapping his fingers on the back seat of the car. "would you quit!?" gemma yells.

"next time we're driving separately." anne groans. "calm down harry. we'll be there in five minutes. can you wait five minutes!?"


"oh my god."

a little over five minutes later (harry timed it) they pulled into liam's driveway. there's a familiar car in the driveway but harry doesn't care enough to check and see who's it is. harry gets out the car, ignoring his mom's goodbye and his sister's 'thank god.' he doesn't bother to knock on the door, he just walks in and heads upstairs.

harry walks into liam's room to see liam and eleanor both laying in his bed, facing each other as they're under the covers.

"harry!" eleanor exclaims.

"hey el. what are you doing here?" he asks and eyes liam.

"just hanging out with liam. he's barely awake though." that's when harry finally notices the hospital band around his wrist.

"shit. did he-" eleanor nods. he knew he shouldn't of left liam.

"now don't get all guilty. personally, i think he knew he wasn't feeling good and was waiting for you to leave before he said anything."

"snitches get stitches eleanor." liam says softly.

"sorry babe." eleanor chuckles and ruffles his hair. "i'm gonna go. call me if you need anything okay? and i don't want you leaving this bed for the next twenty four hours." liam grumbles something harry can't make out and eleanor just laughs and says 'sorry.'

eleanor worms her way out of the bed and slides her shoes on. "make sure he's resting." she tells harry. "i mean it. he needs to sleep this medicine off."

"yes dr.calder." harry teases. eleanor rolls her eyes and walks out the room, glancing over her shoulder to look at liam. once the door shuts harry says, "i am very upset with you young man." liam simply shrugs under the covers and harry takes that as his cue to lay with him. he slides off his shoes before he climbs into the bed. he goes under the blanket and lays on his side to face liam. "why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well babe?"

liam's curls are hanging over his forehead and his lips are in a pout. he looks too cute. "if i did you wouldn't of left."

"okay true, but if you don't feel well you need to tell me so i can take care of you okay?"

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