you were content to let me shine, that's your way

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"i don't understand why you can't do it."

"because i have to run errands. now stop complaining before i give you something to complain about!"

"this couldn't be one of your errands?"

"no because it goes out of my way. i'm hanging up now! you shouldn't be on your phone in a hospital anyway. it's rude."

"bye mom." harry grumbles and hangs up the phone. harry's mom sent harry back to the hospital to pick up her medicine for blood pressure.

harry was in the middle of a nap when his mom forced him to drive to a place that he hated.

harry walks up to the front desk and stands behind the two people in front of him. "why don't you go to the car while i sign a few papers." the woman, who harry assumes is the mom, says. "do you need one of the nurses to walk you out?"

"mom i'm fine." the boy says, irritation clear in his voice. the boy turns around and comes toe to toe with harry.

it's takes a bit, but harry recognizes his face. "hey! i know you."

"hi harry." the boy smiles. "nice to see you again."

"liam is it?" liam nods and smiles a bit more. "nice to see you again too."

"is your mom here for another checkup?" liam asks.

"no i have to pick up her medicine they prescribed to her last time she was here." harry says and shows the paper to liam.

"oh! well you won't get it here. you have to go to the pharmacy." liam says and hands the paper back to harry. "i can s-show it to you if you'd like?" liam shyly asks.

"sure." harry gives him a smile in hopes of showing liam that there's nothing to be shy about.

liam lets out a sigh of relief and smiles brightly. "let me just tell my mom." he taps on his mom's shoulder. "mom. i'm going to show harry where the pharmacy is. is that okay?"

"who's harry?" she asks. liam points to him and his mom turns around. "hello harry. i'm karen, liam's mom. nice to meet you." she says and shakes his hand.


"he seems like a good guy." karen says and looks at liam. "you can show him but i want you to come straight back. you hear?" liam nods quickly and turns to harry.

"let's go harry!" harry follows liam away the from the main desk. "i know this hospital like the back of my hand."

"really?" harry teases. "then what floor do all the pregnant woman go to?"

liam lifts a brow. "that's weird." he says and giggles a bit. "but if you must know, the sixth floor. but don't go up there and kidnap babies!"

"i'll try my best not to."

"i like you. you're funny." liam smiles. liam comes to a stop and points in front of him. "well here's the pharmacy."

"thanks liam." harry says and pats liam's back.

"no problem!" he flushes. "my mom wants me back so i'm going to go. it was nice seeing you again."

he goes to walk off but harry grabs him by his wrist. harry's hand is resting just above liam's hospital bracelet and liam's eyes widen as he quickly glances down at his wrist. "wait. can i get your number?"

"really!?" liam asks, his eyes sparkling.

"yeah." harry chuckles and lets go of liam's wrist. "why is that so surprising?"

"the only contact i have in my phone is my mom." liam's cheeks turn a faint red as he looks to floor. harry's stomach twists as he looks at the small boy in front of him.

"well now you have two. give me your phone." liam smiles so big that his eyes crinkle. he pulls out his phone from his back pocket, unlocks it, and hands it to harry.

liam wasn't lying when he said his mom was the only contact he had in his phone. there was another one labeled 'emergency,' but harry just assumed it was also his mom.

harry adds his number to liam's phone and goes to give it back, but stops himself. "let's take a selfie."


"you know, for our contact photo."

"i don't know..." liam says and shifts on his feet. "i don't look too good."

"and i do?" harry says and gestures to his sweats.

"okay." liam says. harry bends down so he's the same height as liam and holds out the phone.

liam smiles when harry gives his phone back

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liam smiles when harry gives his phone back. "it looks good." he says.

"that it does."

"well i gotta go." liam says and points in the direction they came from. "i'll text you soon, yeah?"

"sounds good." liam smiles and walks away. harry watches him walk down the hallway and quickly pulls out his phone.

it's a perfect shot of liam looking down at his phone, his hospital band visible.

then harry takes the picture.

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