i would be nothing without you

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i've got a new ziam/lirry oneshot posted. go check it out ;)

liam is ignoring harry and it's safe to say harry doesn't like it. he doesn't know what he did wrong. his initial thought was liam was back in the hospital but when he asked eleanor, she said he hasn't been in the hospital in months.

he tried going to liam's house but he's sent away by karen every time. she never says why she just tells him that 'it's not a good time' or 'he's asleep right now.'

but this time karen can't send harry away because she isn't home. he doesn't want to knock on the door because liam'll just ignore it. he walks over to the window which he vaguely remembers liam telling him that there was no screen. the window is unlocked and harry climbs through with ease. if it'd were someone else, this would be extremely dangerous for  liam. he'll tell liam about this once he chews him out for ignoring him.

the house looks particularly empty so harry assumes he's upstairs. he walks up the stairs and into liam's room where he's sat crisscrossed on his bed.

liam gasps at the sudden intruder and kicks back to the end of the bed. once he realizes that this so called intruder is harry, he puts a hand on his chest and sighs in relief. "what are you doing here? how did you get in here?"

"window was open." harry says. "how are you liam?"

"fine... harry what are you-"

"why are you ignoring me?" harry cuts him off.

"i uh- what?" he stammers.

"you're ignoring me and i don't like it." harry says. "and i would like to know why." liam opens his mouth to retort but closes it soon after. "you know," he continues, "it's unfair to me to have karen send me away without knowing what or if i did something wrong."

liam folds his hands on his lap and looks down. "well i'm not leaving until you tell me so..." harry says and sits down on the edge of the bed. he can feel liam's hard gaze on him so he starts to whistle while kicking his legs.

"fine." liam grumbles. he pauses for a moment, as if trying to figure out what to say. "do you like me?"

"of course i like you."

"no like- like like me. because if you're doing this just because you feel bad for me then stop right now. i already have too many people feeling bad for me."

"stop what? what are you talking about babe?" harry stands up from the bed.

"at the hospital. you kissed me. was it out of pity? did you kiss me because i told you about my condition?"

"of course not!"

"then why'd you kiss me?"

"i kissed you because i wanted to." harry says simply. he kneels onto the bed and places his hands on each side liam's knees. their faces are so close and liam's breath hitches. "and i've liked you for a while now."


harry hums and leans forward to kiss the corner of his mouth. "i thought it was obvious really. you think i was doing all of this just for the hell of it?"

"i don't know- i guess so?" harry scoffed and finally leaned forward to capture liam's lips with his. he shifts his weight to one hand and places the other on liam's thigh. their lips move in a slow rhythm and harry can feel the butterflies in his stomach. liam lets out a shaky breath as he pulls away and harry pecks his lips one more time before fluttering his eyes open.

"will you- wait no. be my boyfriend. let me care for and protect you from all the bad in this world."

"you're not really giving me a choice are you?"

"nope." harry says, his lips quirking up into a smile.

"well of course i'd be your boyfriend." they break out into a fit of giggles and liam falls onto his back with harry on top of him.

"you were really going to ignore me because you thought i didn't actually like you?" harry smirks.

"i just figured if i refused to see you'd eventually give up on me and move on!"

"you're the cutest person ever you know that?"

"stop saying that." liam mumbles, a blush overtaking his cheeks.

"and when you blush you only look cuter." liam whines and covers his face with hands. "you're so cute." harry sing-songed as he tries to pull liam's hands. liam doesn't budge so harry keeps his hand wrapped around liam's wrist and pulls out his phone.

it's a perfect shot of liam with his face covered, his bright smile shown between the gaps of his hands.

then harry takes the picture.

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