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│ s t a r g i r l │
‣ chapter five ‣

The next morning I wake up to slow breaths down my neck. I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the sunlight that pours mercilessly into the room. My stomach roils and my throat is raw along with a soreness between my legs.

There is a long arm reclined across my naked chest. My eyes trail up to meet Chris. His face rests against my collarbone.

Well, would you look at that? He looks so beautiful, you know...when he isn't fucking talking?

I face the ceiling again and let out a disorientated groan.

I don't remember much from last night. The only thing I can remember is Chris beating some guy to the ground and we ended up having an argument about it. The rest is a blur.

And then the realisation hits me.

I'm naked.

Chris is naked too.


How can I be so oblivious to the fact that he and I had sex last night? No wonder I'm sore. That only happens when I have sex with Christoffer Schistad.

I need to get out of here.

Carefully, I take the bed sheet apart from my body, turning to my side so that I can escape successfully without him waking up. Just as my foot is about to make contact with the floor, Chris' grip tightens to prevent me from moving.

"Nice try, Eva." He murmurs.

I turn back to see him staring directly at me.

A lazy smile rests on his lips.

"You can't do this to me," I say.

"You didn't seem to mind last night."

I narrow my eyes at him. The sly look on his face infuriates me.

"Sure, you can do whatever you want to me but I don't give you the fucking permission to have that smug, arrogant 'I win' look on your face every morning."

Chris' smirk only deepens in return.

Out of the blue, his arms reach to my hips from under the covers and he draws me on top of his nude waist so that I straddle him. I can feel his wang doodle through the lace material of my underwear.

My nipples press up against his bare chest.

"You know what I'd like Eva?" He asks "Some really nice breakfast."

I try to get away from him but his hands are fixed on my hips, keeping me in place.

"Fuck you."

He tilts his head to the side. "I'm sure last night it was 'fuck me'?"


Suddenly, he leans close to my ear. "You couldn't stop screaming last night, angel."

His tongue skillfully grazes along my earlobe.

"Don't, Christoffer," I plead in a whisper.

Don't give in. Do not give in.

"You like it, Eva," He returns "Actually, you love it."


"Admit it, angel."

"No, Chris. No."

He flips me around so that I'm under him. He begins to trail wet kisses up my collarbone - sucking and nibbling at my skin. He knows clearly that neck kisses drive me wild. My head starts to swim in a pool of desire.

I've given in. He's got me now.

"Christoffer," I murmur. My hands come up to his hair, pulling gently. "I want you inside me. I need you. Right now."

Chris stops what he's doing. I'm completely taken back. How can he just stop?

"Sorry, sweet Eva, but only I do the controlling."

A smirk curves at his lips as he turns his body back around.

My chest heaves up and down due to my heavy breathing. I'm lying entirely unclothed across his bed, still not quite able to fully function what has just happened.

Oh, motherfucker.

I get up from the bed in a rage, storming around the room to pick up my clothes which are scattered all over the floor.

"Hey, Eva," Chris calls.

As much as I don't want to, I turn around to face him.


He's sitting right there with his arms folded behind his head. My eyes trail down from his chest to his dick, which points up from underneath the bed sheet.

"Mind giving me a hand with this?" He asks, cockily.

I grab the first thing I see, which ends up being my high heel. I chuck it at his face to which he effortlessly dodges. My shoe ends up leaving a dent in the wall.

He licks his lips.

"Now, where's that breakfast?"

When I get back to own dorm room, Noora is waiting for me. Relief washes over her features when she sees me.

"Eva! Where the hell was you? You had me worried sick!"

I quickly reply. "I was at a party. I ended up crashing in some girl's dorm room."

"Fucking hell. I thought some dude had date-raped you or something! You didn't even answer any of my texts!"

With a chuckle, I lean towards her and give her a hug. I breathe into her shoulders, instantly being greeted with her lavender-like scent.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Just hungry."

"Okay," she replies.

I know that she thinks something is up but she doesn't ask me, which I'm glad about.

"Well, do you want to head out to McDonald's? We'll get a huge breakfast meal. You can order whatever you like, it's all on me. How does that sound?"

I nod eagerly in her arms. "That sounds amazing."

thank you for reading <3

- all the love, malika

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