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│ s t a r g i r l │
‣ chapter nine ‣

Maybe I shouldn't have snorted so much cocaine.

I realise I regret that now.

If that chick in my last lecture didn't invite me to this party filled with all sorts of drugs, I possibly would not have. But it's too late now.

Oh well, shit happens I guess.

I'm sat in the corner of the room on a couch beside some dude that has incredibly soft skin. I spend a couple of moments just admiring the texture of his skin.

"Wow, dude," I grin at him "Your skin..is just so smooth!"

The guy shifts uncomfortably in his seat. My hands roam every part of his face.

I slide into his lap which soon causes his cheeks to turn redder. I poke them humorously and start to laugh as I've never seen a guy blush before. His lips are pressed into a firm line as he watches me play with his face.

"Why are you so quiet, boy?" I tease.

He puffs out the breath he's been holding and then slides me off his waist, standing up abruptly.

"I'm gay." Is the last thing he shouts before he rushes past the numerous people in the room.

"Well, I don't mind a threesome!" I yell, though, it's unlikely he caught any of my response.

I huff and sink back into my seat on the couch.

I scan the room and search for my next victim. I wish Vilde was here, so we could continue our makeout session from like a year ago. Shit, why don't I just find a girl to make out with since there aren't any appealing guys here?

Remind me to never snort coke again. It can confuse your sexual orientation. But hey, who wouldn't like to live the best of both worlds?. Nope, that's definitely the coke talking. I'm one hundred percent into dick. Or am I?

I shake my head and stand up, using the wall for support. I hobble over to the first guy I see who ends up being Nikolas. Coincidence much?

"NIKOLAAAS!" I yell at the top of my lungs, reaching my arms out to attack with a bear hug. I sniff him, snuggling into his chest which smells incredibly good.

"Hello, Eva!" He sounds surprised. I can tell that he wasn't expecting it. His arms awkwardly come around my body, however, and he gives me a little squeeze.

"You smell so good," I tell him "Kind of like cinnamon rolls. Oh, shit now I'm hungry."

Nikolas laughs. He pulls apart from me and stares down at me in amusement. "How many shots did you take?"

"Cocaine, actually," I reply with a small giggle. "Hey, random idea, do you want to have sex?"

Nikolas laughs with a shake of his head. "Great idea, but no, you'll regret it when you're sober. Besides, I'm not fond of taking advantage of a nice girl like you."

I fold my arms over my chest with a grumpy expression on my features. "But I want to. Not fair." I whine, childishly.

Nikolas returns a laugh and flicks my nose in a playful way.

"Eva Mohn!" I hear a familiar voice shout.

I gasp and run behind Nik, hiding behind him like a coward. "Oh shit! Chris is here! Don't let him see me!"

"Eva, I heard you! And I can see you too!" Chris yells with his arms crossed over his chest. As soon as I look at him, I notice how sexy he looks. He's in a tight-fitted black shirt along with a pair of matching joggers and Adidas trainers.

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