å t t e

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│ s t a r g i r l │
‣ chapter eight ‣

I haven't seen or spoken to Chris since our last encounter. It's been around four days. Not that I'm counting, of course.

I don't know how I should feel. Relief perhaps? It's strange how I don't feel that at all. Instead, I'm concerned about his disappearance.

Stupid. That's how I sound.

How can I feel worried about someone who treats me in such a disgusting way? What the fuck is wrong with me?

Thoughts about his whereabouts gnaw at my mind still. I think I'll go insane if I don't find him sooner.

"...He's just so amazing, Eva! I think I'm falling in love.." I tune in and catch the last few words Noora drones on about.

Then she pauses to look over at me. "Eva! Are you even listening to a thing I say?"

"What?" I break into a yawn.

She rolls her icy blue eyes at me and whirls around to search the endless shelves of the library on this dreadful Monday morning.

I've had no sleep whatsoever. I'm too stressed to even lie down. I fucking hate him for doing this to me. For making me so worried that I can't even bare a moment to myself.

I check my phone again to see if he has texted me.

Nope. No new texts. Nothing.

"Eva," Noora snaps her fingers in my face.


"You look like shit," she bluntly tells me "Let's get you back to our dorm. You need to sleep."

I'm so thankful for a friend like her.

When I wake up again, I feel tons better. I come to see things much more positively, which I failed to do so before.

I sit up on my bed and draw the covers down to my waist. Noora and Sana converse with one another in front of me. It seems as if Sana is selecting what outfit Noora should settle with before she heads out.

Sana recognises I'm awake again. "Afternoon, moody,"

I stretch my arms out with a lazy smile. "Morning, Sana."

"Have you finally had your beauty sleep?" Noora teases.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up," I mumble in a playful tone. "Where are you headin'? Let me guess, a date with the infamous Nathan?"

Noora nods with a huge grin plastering her face. I notice mischief in her eyes which implies she's up to no good.

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner. But guess what too? You're coming!"

I let out a small laugh and lean my back against the headboard. "You're joking."

"I'm really not, dear," she marches over to my closet and pulls out an expensive sequin dress. "Chop chop, up you get."

She means business when she has that look in her eyes: the one brimming with excitement and determination. Ugh. Such is a necessity when it comes to having a pushy best friend.

Yet, I still try to protest. "But, it's a date between the two of you. I don't want to be the fucking third wheel."

"Nathan is bringing one of his friends too so it's all good." Noora compromises.

"Oh, fine then!" I give in.

I get up from my bed and walk over to snatch the dress from her. I remove my sweats and begrudgingly pull the dress up. By the time I zip it up, I lose the ability to breathe.

"Okay, yeah, this isn't going to work out,"

"What's the problem?" Sana questions.

"I feel like if I fucking exhale the dress would tear like the Hulk." I wheeze out. It's killing me slowly. I'm an enemy of this dress.

"Just suck it up, Eva, how the hell do you think all those Victoria Secret models do it?" Sana remarks.

Noora grabs my arm before I can formulate a reply and drags me out of the dorm room. "See ya, Sana!"

There's a car parked on the sidewalk waiting for us. Noora takes a seat in the passenger seat while I take one at the back beside a guy who is too busy texting away to even acknowledge my presence.

I watch as Noora kisses Nathan gently. She seems so happy when she sees him, I can't help but already like him for making her feel this way.

"Hello, Eva!" Nathan greets me, cheerily.

"Hi," I respond with a smile.

The date finishes rather quickly. All I did was eat, eat and eat. I guess that's my talent. Eating.

I tried to participate in the conversations on the table but still, my thoughts revolved around Chris. My 'date' didn't even communicate with me once during the night, not that I wanted him to but it would've been nice to have my mind occupied on somebody other than Chris.

When Nathan drops Noora and me back, I thank him for the night. He grins at me through the review mirror.

"No worries, Eva." He says "I'm glad you liked it."

I pat his shoulder. "You have my blessing, Nathan. But if you fuck it up, I'll fuck you up."

I smile sweetly and then leave the car, rushing back into the dorm building. The warmth of the building greets me as I step through the double glass doors.

My legs somehow lead me to walk straight into Chris's room.

I can't hold back any longer. I need to see him. I won't be able to function normally if I don't.

Twisting the doorknob, I enter his room. To my surprise, he isn't inside. So, I wait for him until he arrives.

I take a seat on his bed and rest my hands on my lap, waiting patiently.

Finally, he returns.

I stand up the moment he walks through the door. My stomach churns – what the hell is that, butterflies?

When I see that face of his, my heart skips a beat and my palms begin to feel sweaty and suddenly, I feel...nervous?

I don't realise how much I've missed him until I see him again.

Chris recognises me in an instant. "Evaline."

"Christoffer," my voice cracks.

He simply stares at me until I speak again.

"Get here and take advantage of me."

Chris removes his hands from his jacket pockets and takes a step closer to me.

"Is this what you want?"

I've never nodded so hard before.

"Take off that overpriced dress."

I don't break eye contact with him as I slip the dress down my body. The cool air in the room nips at my bare skin, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms and back.

His fingers curl around the fabric of my underwear and he pulls them down until they pool around my ankles.

"Let's fuck, princess."

thank you for reading <3

- all the love, malika

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