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One Punch Man x Reader: Groupchat

A/n: Aye lovelies!! Ok ok so before I start, have you guys HEARD Genos singing during the One Punch Anthem at the end of the second OVA?! I rewatched all of them and OML my baby can siNg!! 😩😩 #Shameless 😏😏 whateverrrr let's begin!!


<(Y/n) entered the chatroom>

Sonic69: And then I strangled him till he pissed himself and died 😊

Genos🤖: ...

Eggo: Oh (Y/n)!!

Genos🤖: (Y/n) savee usss!!!

(Y/n): What the hell did I walk up on? 😂🤔

Sonic69: I was just telling these losers about my day today 🙃

(Y/n): You strangled a man today?! 😧👺

Sonic69: Yep

Genos🤖: Well since we are talking about our day, I saw Sensei doing the unthinkable...

Eggo: Don't you dArE say iTt!!!!! 👺

(Y/n): Tellllllll meeeeh

Genos🤖: He went to Victoria's Secret and was buying lingerie.

<Sonic69 left the chatroom>

(Y/n): oh........ Well den

Eggo: Genos I thought u loved meh 😿

Genos🤖: Sensei!! I thought this is something we should all know I'm SooOooOoorrrrRrrrryyy

King👙: I wasn't gonna say anything but damn Saitama

(Y/n): King?! When the hell did you get here?!?! 👀

King👙: I was here this whole time 😶 Shit wasn't really interesting till now

Genos🤖: Ouch

Eggo: Let me explain myself it wasn't for meEe it was for (Y/n)!!

(Y/n): ......

Genos🤖: I'm sure she will like it Sensei!!

<King👙 left the chatroom>

(Y/n): It's gonna be a freaky Valentine's Day 😏😏

Eggo: Hollly fuccvakqmmq

Genos🤖: Try not to make a mess, I just cleaned the sheets 😤

<Sonic69 entered the chatroom>

Sonic69: Guys guyssssss!!! I just found someone really hot right in front of me!!!! 😷😷😩

(Y/n): Realllly?! Who who!!

Genos🤖: Idrc

Eggo: same

Sonic69: Oh wait it was just my reflection 😏😏

<Genos🤖 left the chatroom>

(Y/n): Whelp

Eggo: I'm only here for (Y/n) at this point...

(Y/n): Awwwkwkwjwkwj 💜💙💚💛❤️

Sonic69: Eww bye losers

<Sonic69 left the chatroom>

Eggo: Wanna come over?

(Y/n): Do you have the lingerie? 😏

Eggo: Oh shit I left it at the store 😶


What is this? 😂 Hope you liked it!

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