Chpt: 4. Destruction Road.

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I wake the next day, to chatting, giggling, and loud cackles of laughter coming from downstairs. So I get up, and walk over to one of many of my bags and pull out a pair of skinny jeans, and a simple green t-shirt, and I quickly put them on. I hear a small knock against my door.
"Its open," I call out.
My door opens and Naomi squeezes through the tiny gap, and races to my bed and jumps onto it.
"This was my parents room." She states obviously, whilst looking at the floor.
"Did you want me to grab you a photo of your parents?" I ask carefully. She nods in response.
"Axl is making some breakfast, come down and have some." She says quickly.
I nod, and I walk over to the clean mirror, and peel off a picture of Naomis' parents gleaming their white teeth, and the father holding a happy Naomi, when she was younger.
"Treasure this, never lose it and always keep it close." I tell her. She grins and hugs the picture of her parents. I smile, thinking of my parents.
"Come on i'm starving, lets go have breakfast." She says, she grabs my wrist tightly and runs, dragging me behind her, she giggles like crazy, and I can't help myself and do the same.

We get to the bottom of the stairs and giggle together for a seconds. We collect ourselves after the few seconds and we walk over to the counter. Where Sera was sitting and noticeably flirting with Axl, yet Axl was just shrugging everything she said off as if it was nothing.
When he notices me he beams a white smile at me. I smile back at him, he flushes beet red. Sera gets almost un-noticeably pissed of that I suddenly got more attention than she was getting, almost un-noticeably.
"What's for breakfast?" I ask.
"Toast and eggs, hungry?" Axl, asks.
"Yes, of course," I reply.
"Hey, Sera I want to go home, to collect my dads hunting gear," I quickly turn to her.
"Well we could. But what if the others are still there?" She says. Looking down at her plate awkwardly, and drags her fork along the leftover yellow yolk, smudged against the plate.
"We'll just have to be quiet, and hope for the best." I reply quickly.
"Ok, what about Naomi? Is she going to come with us, and possibly get into danger, or stay here?" She argues just as fast.
"Well if you don't want to come, I'm sure Axl will." I say.
She nods,
"I'll stay here and babysit." She agrees defeated.

"Ok... Well when do we leave?" Axl says.
"Well how about after we have both had breakfast?" I question.
"Sure," he replies, with a lazy, but attractive smile.


I finish brushing through my knots, and collect a pair of ripped skinny jeans in a small back pack, followed by a cute but tight blue t-shirt.

Am i trying to flirt and show off to Axl?
I know Sera is.
Like he is super cute, like totally bang-able cute.
And I am still a virgin. So that is crazy.
But I love the way his hair sits effortlessly, fringe hanging over the left side of his face. His sharp moss green eyes almost looks as if he is trying to look straight through someone, and his body, GOD don't get me started, he is at a regular height, he has a bit of a build, of what I can see anyway. His shirt hiding anything worth drooling over.
UGH! Now i'm fantasising over Axl.
But what about Luke?
Is he dead?
Is our relationship over?
Do I like Axl?
I only meet him yesterday, i must be going crazy if I like him, already!

I walk down the stairs, with my straw coloured hair up in a high pony tail, and the little backpack slung over one of my shoulders.

"Ready?" Axl asks with a smile, almost as if he is excited to leave, as he is lounging around as Sera flirts his ear off, not paying the slightest bit of attention to her.
"Yup," I respond.
Sera looks at me with a exasperated huff.
"We should be back by tomorrow evening, but if shit hits the fan at the very latest, in the next two days, hopefully." I add, Sera looks at me and smiles a fake smile.
"Hurry back." She says, with a fake giggle. Waving to us as we walk out of the door. We politely wave goodbye.


"Geez, she is a bit nuts," he says, whilst getting in the drivers seat, relieved he is getting out of the house, and away from Sera, I open the passenger door and slide in .
"Yeah only when she is trying to get the attention of a super cute boy... I mean a boy." I blush, darting my eyes away from his, praying he doesn't notice.
"Well that sure is flattering, but she isn't my type, you know the whole blond thing," he responds, stating her favourite feature about herself, but saying it's a flaw.
"Any way I like a challenge, a mystery chick, someone who is difficult to read." His eyes caress my body, and sends a butterfly type frenzy in my stomach.

"Do you have your axe?" He asks before he starts the car, looking at me intently, making the butterflies go AWOL.
"Ah..... Um, huh... N.. No," I stutter. Looking around me.
I mentally facepalm myself, because I was to busy fantasising about Axl. To get it.
"I'll go get it, cause I had it last anyway." He offers, and climbs back out of the car.
I get out also, walking up to the gate to open it. I look outside, double checking of there wasn't any indecent humans around. Thankfully there isn't any. So I open the gates and quickly get back into the car, placing my backpack at my feet.

I sit there alone, in silence for a few minutes. Until a slam against the car sends a loud shriek from me, through the car, and Axl opens the car door in the middle of a laughing fit, he gets in the seat, and throws my axe in the back seat, then puts his seatbelt on.
I give him the death stare, and huff, crossing my arms along my bust, acting like a child. Which conveniently makes him laugh harder.
I just look away, I give him the silent treatment.

Woah, what happened to the bodies from last night?
I notice none of the bodies are where they were from when Axl went completely ninja on them.

"Hey, i'm sorry." He apologises.
I just huff, in response. He shrugs off my resolve, and starts the car. He drags the car along the driveway. But stops at the end.
"Seatbelt please." He says.
I quickly snap the seatbelt across my chest and into place, then cross my arms again as he drives away from the gate. I stare out the window.

"What's the address?" He asks, I sigh, then tell him the address of my property, breaking the silent treatment. I turn back to the window and lean my head against it. Feeling the coolness of the glass on my temple.

As we drive along the road, I notice the sad destruction. Houses burnt to rubble, houses missing doors and windows, dozens of People lying on their stomachs on the lawn and slumped on the side of the road, I assume they are all dead.

I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to see so much death or to cry at the sight of it all. But tears start to pour from the cracks of my eyes I bring my legs to my chest and I lean my head against my knees, not wanting to show Axl the sign of weakness, he has already seen me cry once.

I sit there silently sobbing, as I feel the car quicken. Axl speeds along the road. I guess he noticed.

I cry for what seems to be hours, and Axl slows the car to a good pace.
I uncurl myself, trying to stretch in what little room I have, I wipe my tear stained face. I lean my head against the cool window and shortly fall to sleep.

You Can Run... But You Can't Hide.   (ON HOLD! for a short period)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt