Chpt: 7 All We Can Do Is Hope.

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We got closer to our destination as the sun was turning the sky from a bright orange, to a calming shade if pink. By then I had turned the radio off. The CD that was being played, had been repeated to many times for me to handle.

I looked over at Axl, he was still a ghostly shade, tears had stained his cheeks.

"Hey, it's not your fault. The zombies..." I shudder and hesitate at the word, and I stop my sentence there and try a new angle, "Were to close. There was nothing to do. We couldn't help her." I try to encourage. He tries to force a polite smile to show that he was listening. But fails.
"I feel guilty Alia, I feel it was my damn fault. As if I should have done something, but all I did was stare. I was frozen." He explains. He obviously doesn't like showing people how weak he can be.
By the sound of it we are all going to need to help each other survive.
As he was confident saying he was going to help me, when I was also frozen.
We are going to be quite shocked in the future if this is how the world has turned out.

All we can do is hope.


I direct him all the way back to my house without another disturbance. By the time we arrive it's dusk, the sky going a deep shade of purple, starting on 6:00pm. He drives into the driveway of my house, Jacob and Lukes' car no where to be seen.
I un-clip my seatbelt, and open the car door and I pull myself out.
"Be careful, I don't want you to disappear on me too." I tell him sternly.

I grab my axe from the back seat. As I notice Axl looking at the front of my house with interest and curiosity. Trying to work out everything that happened inside those walls. As if he is trying to find any puzzle pieces to put together.

"All I want to do is get my father hunting stuff, then we can leave. OK?"
Axl nods in response. I walk up to my front door, opening it easily, as it wasn't locked when I left.

I walk through the house. It wasn't like this when I left. Blood has been smeared across the walls, limbs are left astray. I recoil in disgust, and walk up stairs just to make sure no one was up there. I hold my axe close to the top of the blade, and tap the handle it against the doors that are closed, as my bedroom door is wide open and so is my parents room, I hear no noise from behind the bathroom door and I continue to my room, and behold, my room is in a worse state now then when it was before I left.

The bed is literally upside down, my windows are shattered, my lamp that was on my bedside table has no lampshade and globe, and the blood! It's everywhere on the ceiling, dripping off my curtain rail, red hand prints cover my vanity, smeared all over the mirror. The smell is horrendous. I cover my mouth and nose with the top of my tiny to cover up the awful rotting, metallic smell.

I step into my room dodging the maze of destruction, to my wardrobe, I open it a miniscule amount so I can peek inside, and nothing is in there. Apart from the small amount of clothes I left.

I leave. Closing my door and walk into my parents room. It is very similar to what my room looks like. Disfigured. So I carefully work my way to my parents wardrobe, and open it. And instead of just seeing a empty wardrobe, I see the two bodies of my best friends and my boyfriend, upside down, severed necks, blood dripping. I fight for a breath, and stumble backwards, to have my legs buckle underneath me, and fall on what would have been the bed. And get spiked by glass, on what the picture frame now held a slightly ripped and torn photo of my baby self, the photo frame I slid the note into. I pick it up with my empty hand, and sit the axe down beside my leg, and pull the photo out and fold it up with delicacy, and put it in my bra, I notice that my note has disappeared, I look back up to the butchered boys, and start sobbing.

After 5 minutes of hysteria, I pull myself together, and look at the boys. I have a surprising idea and carry out with it. I go through the boys pockets, holding my breath.

I find phones and wallets from all the boys, and a scrunched up note in Jacob's pocket, he disappeared first. I try not to look at any of them. But I see something in Luke's hand. I struggle to open his clenched fist, but I pull a note out of his hand and little key that has 'for Ali' on the key chain, wrapped and taped to the piece of paper. I stuff it into my back pocket of my skinny jeans, where the other note sits. I pick my axe up off the floor, and leave.


I walk out to the backyard where Axl is leaning on the shed, eyes to the ground. Almost as if he is sleeping.

I get to the bottom of the yard and to the shed, as Axl comes back from his daydream,I lean the axe against the shed, I open the shed door and walk in.
"Just stay there it shouldn't take more than a minute," I tell Axl.
He complies, by waiting, leaning against the shed and zoning out yet again.

I open the (school locker) gun locker, with the mesmerized combination, and grab the large facade duffle bag at the bottom shelf and fill the bag with all the rifles, small assault rifles, handguns and assortment of knives. And I fill another smaller fiddle bag with all of the ammunition that was in the small safe next to the locker. I close the safe and locker, and exit the shed.

I place the large duffle bag at Axls feet. He looks at me, wounded, surprised? "Come on. Let's go. It's my turn to drive." I say to Axl,
"Why don't we drive for a few hours, but we need to stop. Sleep in the car somewhere. It's almost dark." He says.
I nod in agreement. I grab my axe, and follow behind Axl, and put our new luggage in the boot of the car.

I walk up to the drivers seat, get in. Axl gets in the passengers seat and passes me the keys. I start the car and we drive away from my hellhole.


You Can Run... But You Can't Hide.   (ON HOLD! for a short period)Where stories live. Discover now