Chpt: 6. Seizures and Boners.

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"Tahlia! Wake up!" Axl screams, trying to deter me from my terror.
My body is thrashing around, but Axl pulls the car over and pins my arms and legs, from injuring myself.
"Tahlia!" He continues to scream.
I start to convulse, I was starting to spurt foaming white goo in every direction.

Axl lets go of my body to open his car door to race around to my side of the car, and drag me out to lie my body on the warm tarmac, whilst I continue spewing everything that was in my stomach.

Five minutes after my seizure my body lies still, Axl pacing back and forward in front of my body, unsure on what to do. I start to stir and I wake up, slowly rising from the position. My head pounding with a headache.
"Shit!" I mutter under my breath, rubbing my eyes.
"I was kinda hoping I didn't have to." I say inaudibly, I looking at the tarmac finding it interesting, as I didn't want to look at Axl. "I seem to get them after night terrors, sometimes." I continue, ashamed.
"Well you could have told me your nightmares affect you so badly." He says apologetic way.
"Like I said, I didn't think I needed to. I haven't had one for a few years." I feel the tears start to well up in my eyes, but I squeeze them shut, tightly.

He walks up to me and delicately hugs me, thinking he may damage me some more.
He giggles. Breaking the hug.
"You have a bit of..." he says, pointing at my face with a slight smirk, then crossing them over his chest with a grin. Trying to make light of a bad situation. My mouth tries to turn to a smile, but my mouth stays in the frown face i was holding from when I came to, lifting the bottom of my t-shirt and wiping my face with it, only to manage spreading my vomit on my face.
So I just take my t-shirt off, right in front of Axl, his jaw hitting the ground. Assuming his brain just shut off and he is now thinking with his cock. I throw my shirt away, into the shrubs, in disgust. 
"Like what you see, I wave my hand in front of his face and he looks as if I just slapped him, shock written all over his perfect jaw lined face. He shakes his head disagreeing with a animalistic grunt, but nods straight after. I almost swear I could see drool on the corner of his pink lipped mouth.
He just saw me have a seizure, I had someone witness me at one of my worse moments. So me semi nude won't be a cringe worthy sight. As I have quite nice tits I couldn't care less, cocky I know.

I roll my ice blue eyes, and walk over to the car opening the back door closest to me. I grab my little back pack I brought, and pull my cute tight top over my head.
"If you didn't smell like puke, i'd so be boning you right now!" He exclaims winking, and makes a click sound.
I blush, pulling my deodorant can out of my bag, spraying the crap out of myself. Agreeing I smelt like shit. I put my deodorant back in my bag.

"Stop staring, its rude! Get in the car and drive!" I say with a slam of the back door. I open the passenger door and get in.
"Teasing a man like that is rude," He counters, lowering his hands in front for his "manhood" face glowing beet red, trying to hide how "excited" he was.
I laugh. As he side steps awkwardly all the way in to the drivers seat.

I clear my throat trying to stop myself from laughing, failing miserably. I crack up laughing harder, at the way he leans forward still trying to hide his hard on.

Boys, can't live with them... Without a bit of amusing embarrassment.


He finally relaxes his body in to the drivers seat. Looking at me, sending accusing daggers towards me, I look at him with sarcastic innocence, hands up in the air and all.

He starts the car, and we drive away from the curb. Heading towards the destination again. We drive for hours, in silence.
"Sooo...." Axl says breaking the ice. "What should we class these cannibalistic fuck-tards... Zombies?"
I shudder.
"Sure, but we should try get more information on them first." I see Axl nod his head, in the corner of my eyes.
We fall back into the awkward silence, again. We drive along the quite road, I notice people dragging themselves along the pavement.

They look like they are out of some popular zombie movies.
Maybe calling them that isn't such a horrible idea.

They drag themselves, bloodied, organs spilled out of they abdomen, rotting skin and missing limbs. Hunting for something, Someone unfortunate enough to become dinner for them.

Well they seem to be zombies. Look like them...

As I think that a hear a loud shriek, as a woman runs out in front of us being chased by three zombies. Covered in blood.

I gasp seeing how she stops right in front of our oncoming car. Looks at us as if she is a deer in headlights, which in a way she kinda is. Axl slams the brakes on. Then swerves, barely missing her, seeing her body fall. Then like in the nightmare I had. The three zombies lunge on top of her, biting into her soft flesh. It's my turn to shriek when that happens, I look away, looking at Axl. He stops the car.
They even behave the same way as in the movies...
His facial expression similar to when he saw me shirtless, but instead of lust I see horror, pain and shell shock. It looks like he can't peel his eyes away. So I call his name.
"Axl!" But he doesn't even flinch. So I grab his face, getting in the way of the horrid sight, unfolding in front of him. I can still hear muffled screams from the woman. But she goes quiet, then all that to be heard is the snapping, and crunching of bones being pulled apart and the tearing sound of skin. So I reach for the radio, turning it on and turning the volume all the way up. Obscuring the sounds of what's happening outside his car door. His eyes well up with tears, showing a sign of weakness.

"If we don't get moving, we will be dessert." Which makes tears fall down his now paled cheeks, but he blinks and shakes his head. He stares at me for a few seconds, unblinking. Car vibrating underneath me, proof the engine was still running. He blinks finally but look dazed.
"Thanks." He quietly murmurs, turning away, from me eyes on the road, tears still rolling down his cheeks. He puts his foot down on the accelerator. Pulling away. Knowing there was no hope from saving her now.


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