Chpt: 5 Nightmare

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She burst into my bedroom, coming from my closet. Her face inhuman, ravaged. Wearing a hot pink bra and g-string. She stared at me, with her dead glazed eyes, snapping her jaw open and closed, both of her lips bitten off -deaths kiss-, bearing her stained yellow teeth. One hand was mangled in stringy bits of flesh, bone and muscle, her right bicep was all that was left, showing the white humorous in remain. Blood covered every inch of her body. Each time she inhaled, her breath rattled. She made a low growling moan, which chilled my blood.

I picked up a shoe next to me seeing if she would take her attention away from me and on to the shoe, I tossed it over by my vanity, away from the door, my only means of escape, hitting the cream wall behind it. Her head followed it away, from me. Distracted, she wasn't, but I took my chance anyway and lurched for the door. Reaching it to grab the handle to find it not budge.
I could hear the bones in her stiffened body creak, as she turned and made her way to me.

I turned around, watching her stumble towards me, heading towards me slowly. I notice the curtain at the other side of the room, hoping a window is sitting behind it. I run towards the curtain pull it harshly aside. A burst of hope explodes inside my stomach, and the window opens with ease. But that hope evaporates at the height.

I'm a good two stories away from the ground, and this time no tree within sight. I close my eyes, and I jump out the window, and out into the air. I feel the cold air whip my face as I fall.

I land hard on a warm, wet bloody mess of what used to be a human, long ago. Winding me. It took the impact, i'm still alive, but even though I landed on something relatively soft, my body still landed quite hard, ignoring the pain, shooting through my body, I rise off of the dead monster, and I gulp in the night air, in relief, as if each breath was going to be my last.

Until I hear the moan from behind me. My breath caught in my throat. Before I can turn around, I crash into the ground. By the sudden weight rammed into my back. Eating dirt. I struggle to turn onto my back, but I manage it. I put my forearm against her throat. Its bloody jaws snap at my face, her breath smells putrid. Half her tongue bitten off, wagging inside her mouth.
It must have been feeding on the corpse I rudely landed on.

I try forcing it off of me. It was dead weight. With my other hand, i balled into a fist, and punched the side of its head, but i was too weak to do any damage.

It lunges on top of me with a sudden burst of hidden strength. The final attack came, the bite, pain feeling all to real. I was thrashing and screaming.
On the verge of awaking.

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