~Chapter 11-Blue ribbons~

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You weren't one for surprises.

Well, you did like them at some point before your mom and dad died. They would always surprise you in the best ways (most of the time). Today, Sans had been talking with his brothers, Papyrus and Gaster. Papyrus suggested taking you out to a movie, but he didn't like that idea. Gaster was quiet like always, only making small comments here and there. And then he said something that clicked into the short, temperamental skeleton.

"What does she want to do the most?"

You see, you were in a state of denial even if that stage had passed awhile ago. When Sans went over to comfort you or even just hang out, you would always be cramped up in your room, staring down at your phone. You didn't use it. You just stared at your mom and dad's contacts, every now and then glancing over to Matt's number. May snatched up your phone and pointed towards the front door, telling you to go and hang out with Sans for a day.

So now here you are, sitting in the dark theater, staring at the lit up stage with Sans prancing around on it. You didn't know why he didn't invite the rest of his friends but you weren't complaining. Alone time with Sans? Yes please.

"What are we doing here?" You question, scratching the back of your head with curious eyes.

Sans grins wide, unlike most of his smiles that are very lazy looking. When Sans smiles, you can't help but laugh at how lazy he really is. But even if he is lazy, dancing suits him well, along with his crazy group of nuts he calls friends.

"I told you it's a surprise, kiddo."

You huff, crossing your arms over your chest to glare at Sans who just shrugs like usual.

"Let us get on with the surprise, shall we?" Sans walks up to your wheelchair, holding out a hand to you.

You quirk a brow at him, eyes pooling with curiosity. Sans blinks once, his solid white pin-pricks flickering from your expressionless face to your pale hand. With a snort, you keep your arms crossed. You had a feeling he was up to something.

"Are you going to let me treat you like a princess or not?" Sans pipes up, his head tipping to the side with a painfully playful smile.

"Whoa, whaaat? I didn't ask you to do that." You turn your head to the side, cheeks flushed pure red, uncrossing your arms so he could, oddly, get to your hand.

"But you've been down lately. Everyone knows you're upset. I'm here to make it better." Sans reaches down with his held out hand to yours.

His fleshless hand gingerly grabs your now trembling hand, lacing his fingers around your palm. You scrunch both eyebrows together, the heat radiating off your cheeks. Sans was clearly loving the reactions you were giving. He lifts up your hand to his teeth, pressing a kiss to your white knuckles like a gentleman. With wide eyes, your mouth falls agape to the smirk crawling up his face. You wanted to pull your hand away and clasp it to your chest but something in the back of your mind was enjoying his unusual behavior. Sans was never one to be romantic, much less act like a gentleman. Sure, he flirts from time to time but this was the first time you had seen that look in those tiny little dots for eyes. The emotion of pure love. True love.

"S-Sans, what are you doing?" You manage to throw words through your lips, struggling not to stutter and what not.

"Breaking you." He mumbles to himself before finally giving you an answer than makes goosebumps roll up and down your arms. "Getting you ready for the surprise. I don't want you uncomfortable around me, do I?"

He releases his soft grip on your hand, shoving his hands inside of his hoodie pockets only to pull out two blue ribbons. He hands one of them to you while bending down to your feet. You run your thumb across the blue ribbon, your skin feeling the silky smooth texture of the fabric. You nearly kick Sans in the face when he removes your shoes, laughing at how red your face was.

Hurting Heart (Dancetale!Sans x Paralyzed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now