Our Story - A Phanfic

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We are called Julia and Georgia, and this is our first joint fanfiction!

Georgia will write the first chapter, then Julia will write the next, and so on. :3

We apologise for any mistakes, and we hope you enjoy it!

~Georgia&Julia <3


Dan's POV

Dan: This is it.

Phil: Yep, it is.

It is the last day of university, and everyone is partying. It couldn't be better - finally moving away from this boring old prison, and I am with the person I care for the most - Phil.

We had grown up together, never separated. We met when we were very young, both 2 years old, and we just 'clicked'. We never stop talking as we grew up, and we're here now, celebrating our last day at university.

Phil grins at me, and I return it. His blue eyes shine in the dim light of the candles, making my heart flutter.

It is odd, it always happens. It just the way Phil makes me feel. When he smiles, it feels like all my problems melt away. I don't understand it yet, I guess I never will.

Phil: Dan?

He said, breaking me out of my trance.

Dan: Yes Phil?

His blue eyes lose their shine a bit.

Phil: Um, what are you going to do? You know, when we get out of here? Are you planning on going anywhere?

Oh. I had avoided thinking about this until now. The truth is, I didn't really have any plans. I didn't have anywhere to go...

Dan: Um, Phil..?

He glances up at me, and I get lost in his eyes yet again. Wait, Dan! Snap out of it!

Dan: Um...c-can I stay with you?



So, first chapter done! :)

Did you like it? A bit short, I know, don't hate me🙊

The next one will be up perhaps tomorrow or Sunday, depending if Julia can be bothered;)

I love cats,


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