Always and Forever

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Phil's pov ~age 10~

Dan: PhilPhilPhilPhil?

Phil: Yaah? 

A smile crept on to my face, seeing how excited Dan was about the news he was about to give me. 

Dan: Well you know how we always go to the beach every year? I'm not sure whereabouts it is, but it's a long car journey away. Anyway, Mum says you can come! We're staying away for the whole weekend and it's going to be so awesome!

My face lit up in an overjoyed smile.

Phil: Really? Oh my god, what if my Mum says I can't? 

Doubt spread across my face, my spirits dampened by the thought of being denied this trip.

Dan: Oh don't worry, she's already said yes. Our house is like 2 minutes away from the beach and there's a really cool playground as well with these epic swings, that go like this.

He  manouvered his hands in dramatic gestures, to show me exactly how the swings worked. 

Dan: So anyway, we're leaving on Friday so get packing.

His grin was so huge, it looked like his mouth was double the size it normally was. 


Three days later, on our last full day by the beach, me and Dan sat in our makeshift tent. We'd dragged some chairs out, and draped a blanket along them. It was getting dark, so we knew we weren't meant to be out here. 

Dan: Your my best friend.

Dan wasn't one for showing signs of affection, so I latched onto this one, and stored it away in my memory.

Phil: Your mine too Dan.

Dan: Always and forever? 

He looked so ernest, as if my answer was a serious statement.

Phil: Always and forever Dan. 

~Present Day~

Phil: So does this ring any bells?

We looked out onto a grey, misty beach. When we were kids, it had seemed amazing, but now it looked a little dreary. Obviously I had only seen it in the summer, so I shouldn't have expected the exact same image. I had tracked this place down, asking Dan's parents, so I could bring him here. It was a beach in the north of Devon, a county in the south of England. It was deserted now, but it seemed so startlingly familar, I felt the impact of a thousand childhood memories come flooding back.

Dan: I used to come here when I was younger, with my family.

I sighed.

Phil: Let's head back to the car then.


Thank you for reading :) 

See you in chapter...10, 11 ,12, 13... whatever, see you in my next chapter :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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