Hidden Emotions

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Phil's pov

Dan: Um...c-can I stay with you?

In the few seconds that passed before I answered, a thousand thoughts crossed my mind. Could he possibly-? No. Why am I wondering how he feels about me? We're friends and nothing more. Ignore it Phil. Ignore the crazy butterflies you get in your stomach when he talks to you, ignore the fear you'll say something wrong and lose him forever. This is just what friendship is right? 

Phil: Uh, sure. 

Dan: Cool thanks. Thirsty? Me too, I'm getting drinks.

He made his way through the crowded hall. He seemed to be in a rush for some reason. The music changed, and a slow song came on. I quickly headed to the side, not wanting to be caught up in all the young couples starting to dance. My eyes automatically scanned the crowd for Dan, we normally stood together and mocked the romantic couples. Finally, my eyes met his. He was standing across the room, by the doors, I saw he had been looking at me already. I smiled, and turned my attention to the floor, which had suddenly become incredibly interesting. 

Dan's pov

Phil: Uh, sure.

Thank god, if he'd said 'no', I don't know what I would have done. I suddenly felt very hot, people were dancing all around us, and the doors and windows were closed, resulting in a heated and stuffy room. I needed air.

Dan: Cool thanks. Thirsty? Me too, I'm getting drinks. 

This was a lie. Well partially, I was  thirsty, but I headed straight for the doors, instead of the drinks table. I had to push people aside in order to get through, and pushed the double doors open. I was quickly met with a gush of cold air. I breathed it in gratefully, and leaned against the wall. I heard a slow song come on, and knew Phil would be feeling uncomfortable. I should get back to him. 

When I was back in the room, I saw Phil, standing by the wall, acting casual. I became absorbed in his pitch black hair, and calm figure. He looked up and saw me staring, he smiled and looked down. To my surprise, I blushed. 


Hi, so this is Julia. This is my first chapter- I hoped you liked it <3 

(so actually Georgia- I could be bothered :))

Update from Georgia within the week xx


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