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Phil's POV

Two weeks after our dance, and its still bugging me. I'm almost constantly thinking about how I loved it so much, the feel of Dan in my arms, his head resting on my shoulder...

Stop it, Phil! I need to stop thinking about this, Dan will never like me...he gets all the girls, with his handsome looks. And then there's just me. That little boy in the corner, forever hiding his true feelings.

I know if I tell Dan my feelings he won't talk to me ever again, so I have decided to keep my feelings locked up, even pretending to 'forget' that he's in the apartment, just so he doesn't get any ideas. It pains me to do it, as I would never forget him, he is the only thing filling up my mind.

Dan's POV

I have decided to take Phil into London today, and maybe tell him then. I just can't stand it, having all my feelings building up inside me - they need to be let out, even if it means losing Phil...f-forever...

I shake my head - enough with the bad thoughts; what happened to positive Dan?

Dan: Phil?

He walks into the room, with a bowl of his cereal and his favourite mug.

Phil: What's up?

Dan: I was wondering if you want to come into town today, with me? Y'know, only if you want, of course...

He grins happily.

Phil: Sure! I'll go get ready then.

~A few hours later~

We had been in town for a while now, visiting all our favourite shops. It is getting dark, and we are just walking randomly around. I spot a fountain, and pull Phil over to it.

We sit down and throw some coins into it, closing our eyes, making a wish.

Phil: What did you wish?

I look over to him and grin.

Dan: Well, if I told you that, it won't come true.

It wouldn't anyway. Phil pouts, his eyes big. I just can't resist them.

Phil: Pwease?

I sigh and look down. This is it.

Dan: Um...well..I wished t-that you will l-love me...

Phil's POV

Dan: Um...well..I wished t-that you will l-love me...

Wait, what? Did I just hear correctly?! He wants m-me to love him? Does this mean..?

Phil: You don't need to wish that...

Dan frowns.

Dan: W-Why?

Phil: I already do...

His deep brown eyes gaze into mine, his dimples showing as he slowly smiles. I smile back.

The clock snaps us out of our trance, as it strikes 12:00pm. Dan reaches over and grabs my hand, pulling me closer, as we both lean in...



Aww, Julia, I've left you to carry on haha;)


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