Phil Is Not On Fire

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Dan's POV

I somehow end up on Phil's channel, Amazing Phil. I watch a few of his videos, watching how he flicks his hair out of his face, how his mouth forms words, how his eyes shine - wait, I need to stop thinking like this! I am not falling for Phil, and he will never fall for me!

He looks like he enjoys filming. I've often thought about starting a channel too, perhaps I will...

It seems to suit me so much, Youtube. I love making people laugh, and, I guess, seeing as I don't have any plans for my future, I might start up a channel. I'm about to call out to Phil, to see what he thinks, but I stop myself. He doesn't need to say what he thinks! I can do what I want, without his opinion. 

I start to set up an account, naming it danisnotonfire, and then I press 'confirm'.

Phil's POV

I just walked out on him...I should go back, I've been too rude. I walk back in his new room, and he is lying on his bed on his laptop. He looks up as I walk over, his eyes excited.

Phil: Why so happy?

Dan: I've started a youtube channel! I just need an idea for a first video...

Phil: No problem! Why don't we start by making a video together?

He smiles his adorable smile and nods.

Dan: Sure! Ask on twitter for any questions that we can answer in the video.

Dan's POV

We found questions and starting the video, naming it phil is not on fire. Phil grins.

Dan: What?

Phil: Haha, nothing, we just shipped ourselves!

Dan: Haha yeah, I guess so..

We filmed our video, going through all the questions, and I had a great time. I think Phil did as well.

Dan: This was the most fun I've ever had.

Suddenly Phil dives on me, attacking me into a big hug. 



Aww, they're too cute ;)

Over to Julia for le next chapter:)


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