Moving In

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Phil's pov

Phil: So about that dance...

It was rather awkward at first, neither of us had any idea how to do this. Eventually, though, we managed to drift off into a rather graceful dance. I admit, we'd had a little too much to drink by that point, so I wasn't even sure if Dan was in his normal state of mind. Anyway, we danced on that balcony, long after the slow song ended. We were shaded from view by a deep maroon curtain, so none of the other dancers could see us. I was scared at how I felt during that dance, that I enjoyed it like I did, I've never felt bromance but I'm hoping it's this, and not anything else...

Dan: Phil? Hello?

He snapped his fingers in my face, bringing me out of my memory, and back into his new room.

Phil: Sorry, yeah what?

Dan: I said, do you like?

I looked around at his new room, a blue bedspread lay over his double bed, and he'd added posters and pictures to the walls. It reminded me of... well...Dan.

Phil: Yeah, it's great

Dan's pov

Dan: So do you like it?

I looked over at Phil who was gazing in to empty space.

Dan: Phil? Hello?

I snapped my fingers in front of his face, and I saw in his face he was back in the present moment.

Phil: Sorry, yeah what?

I felt a little hurt at how he'd unintentionally ignored me. I knew I was being silly, only girls are that sensitive. I looked at my room. I'd spent hours perfecting it, giving it the 'me' factor.

Phil: Yeah it's great

God, I hate how I'm constantly searching for his approval, I hesitate before doing or saying anything, thinking what would Phil do? He always seems to do everything just right. I have no idea how he does it.

Dan: Uh cool.

Phil just nodded, and stood there looking at my room. I coughed to get his attention,

Phil: Oh right, sorry.

He mumbled, before walking off, probably to his room. He thought I wanted him to leave! My only intention had been to get him talking again. Ah well. I lay down on my bed, and turned over on my side, so I could use my laptop. I opened Google, and found myself writing one word...Youtube.


Hope you liked this chapter :)

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Over to Georgia for chapter 5 :)


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