Chapter Seventeen

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'I'll have a hot chocolate, please,' the voice said.

Writing the order down, I held out my hand for the menu. As it hit my palm, I saw the black sleeve.

'Hello, Pisces,' he said as my gaze landed on a pair of grey eyes.

'Nick, how are you?'

I didn't move, not even to flinch. It had been two months since I had last seen him. I had almost forgotten that he existed. I was staying in a rented room in East London. My new day job was working in a coffee shop. It was boring but unemotional.

'I'm well, thank you. Especially now I don't have to worry about you.'

I smiled. 'No, you don't need to worry about me,' I said, tucking my notepad in my apron. 'I'll just get your drink.'

The hair on my arms prickled as I went to make the hot chocolate. He watched my every move, waiting for me to do a runner.

'Why are you here, then?' I asked when I placed the drink on the table.

He gestured for me to join him. The only other customer was deep in conversation on his phone so I sat opposite him.

'I have something that you might be interested in.'

My back stiffened as I fiddled with the salt shaker.

'If it's Antony, I'm not interested,' I said, sitting back. 'He never wanted me anyway.'

Nick sat forward and looked me in the eye. The tiny lines around his mouth made him look older than he was.

'Are they not teaching you anything anymore?'

I laughed and shook my head.

'You think you've abandoned your mission, don't you?'

Putting my head to the side, I took a deep breath. 'Yes, I have. I can't be bothered with it. All I did was cry. I was sick of crying over a man that didn't want me so I stopped.'

The corners of his lips lifted into his cheeks.

'You gave up?'

His finger reached forward and flicked the silver charm on my bracelet. The Pisces sign twinkled up at me in the fake florescent light.

'Yes. I'm not putting myself through it anymore. I'm sure we won't ever harmonise. There's no point.'

'What is the point to love?'

His question startled me. 'I don't love him.'

The chuckle that came from his mouth made me want to reach out and punch him in the face. Why did I feel violent around him? Was his energy that bad?

'If you don't love him, why is it such hard work?'

If Nick wanted to lecture me about love, I wasn't prepared to listen. He knew nothing of love and never would. His soul purpose was to make sure the world was full of pain.

I went to stand. He grabbed my wrist to stop me. The bracelet was under his palm. The pressure squeezed the charm into my skin. Feeling the bite of it, I swallowed to stop the emotion that had been pushed down for weeks.

'I don't know.'

'We all have a reason for being here. It's good that you're not with Antony. It makes my job easier. Although, I am getting a little bored if I'm honest.'

I slapped his hand and he pulled back, rubbing his skin.

'Is this just a game to you?' I leant forward and got in his face. 'Why are you here?'

Pisces - Book 1 in the Zodiac Twin Flame SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now