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Along the far distance of Venus, The Sun's flames flares out to Earth and form upon its water. His great flames don't effect the water or even make them evaporate. "Hmm," he said to himself and looks at the water and land. "This is quite the planet I have seen. The waters are cool, the orbit and axis is perfect, the lands aren't burning, and life will evolve upon its lands and seas."

He clearly thinks this is a perfect planet for this system. "I hope the others won't get too jealous." He laughs. He goes to the land and walks upon its grassy fields, dry sand, and great plains. "Heheh," sudden giggle in the distance between the waters and land. The Sun walks towards the sound to find a tiny grass haired baby. It's body is filled with water, it's bone are wood and stone, blood is hot molten lava, and his eyes are the sky above the ground. Sun picks up the baby and takes a good look. "Strange," he said. "Usually when one of you are born, they aren' this. They're fully grown and know what they should do." The baby burps and the winds blow on the trees. It giggles again and clap, but when it clapped the oceans began to move into waves upon waves each other. Sun looks at it with shock and curiosity in his eyes. "Tough baby" he said. "I'll name you......Earth. The new boy of the solar system." Earth smiles.

He sets it back down and left. The baby, however, wanted to explore more. Soon as it touched a tiny plant sprout, it grew into a fully grown oak tree, but what Earth didn't know, is that he's growing. Growing into a young boy.

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