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Saturn. The most beautiful cities in the solar. Towers made of ice, roads made of glistening gold, and even the sky filled with bronze skies and perfect winds. The Sun has always admired the cities and roads. He, too, is jealous. Saturn comes to her room and pulling out the arrow that's deep in her shoulder. She screams In agony, but quits her bitching and rips it out.

She let's bleed. Cause she isn't caring. She's imagining. The sweet silk of blood. She's imagining how it will look on Jupiter. She wants revenge. She takes get leaves, going across the War Belt and stepping foot on Mercury. "Dear mercury," she says. "The courageous and most daring planet to live. I've come to ask of your allegiance. I want to join you. And not no, I am not fooling around. I only want revenge upon my foolish and incompetent sister." Mercury looks at her. Examining her emotion and her form. He walks to her, close and tall. She sees his burned yellow feet. "Stand, Saturn." He says and says does so.

"Why come to have revenge upon your sister? Has she done a wrong? Or are you out subdued with anger and jealousy?" She walks past him and looks at Sun. She has never felt the warmth before. "Have you heard of Mars?" She starts. Mercury gives a curious look. "He's a traitor to your kind. He has joined Jupiter. Which means a giant advantage of brutal death's upon you, earth and Venus." He feels betrayed and anger. He's never felt this anger before. Only frustration.

Saturn turns to him seeing his face. Chills and sins go down her spine, ribs and core. She wants to move away, but she's too cold and frozen to her feet. "So. . ." He says. "You want revenge? I'll give you it. But! I get to kill the traitor." She nods and takes her leave.

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