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The outcast of them all is hiding. Venus decides to take a long and dangerous path down to where he is. She's never been out this far. She's cold, but she packed a gas dress to keep her from freezing to ash. She walks on the frozen wasteland. She starts to hear whispers and distant runs around the broken mountains and dunes. Suddenly, a rusted up knight lands in front of her and scaring Venus off her feet.

"Who are you?" The knight said, echoes and whispers repeat what he has said. She's terrified. She stands up and gathers enough to courage to speak. "I-I am Venus, the second Planetess to ever be close to the sun, the beautiful gas planet." The knight is crouching, examining around Venus. He had never seen a rock Planetess before.

"Such beauty for a gassy girl. . . Why have you came here to the wastelands of the solar?! No rocks or Giants are suppose to be here! So why!?" He's curious and furious."calm, dear knight! I only came to see the...might Pluto. The dwarf knight and maker of the cold." He stops and stands up properly and even bows. "I am Pluto. The dwarf. The outcast. How may I be of service, my Venus?" She doesn't feel fear crawling up her spine anymore. She can't tell weather be fair and firm or forceful and "attractive".

Venus gives herself a posture of a Planetess. She walks close to him. Pluto stops bowing respectfully. "I need your stealth skills to win this war. Can you do that? For the solar." He nods and then. . .

An explosion happens on mercury. WAR HAS BEGUN!

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