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          The rock giants soon come to see if Mercury was alright. They have never seen such a mighty explosion that size. It was the size of a moon. They didn't want to point fingers at anyone, not until they see if Mercury is alright. The whole place is destroyed like it was tipped over and then imploded.

           Mars, Pluto, and Venus searched everywhere. Ripping through the hot dry rocks and metal. Pluto was wearing gloves that can endure the pain and not have to suffer to the heat. Mars was use to the pain he didn't care at all. He didn't flinch to the hot molten metal. Venus, on the other hand, was growling and snarling to the pain, but her determination is what's getting her too see if Mercury is okay.

          Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Mars found nothing, Venus found nothing, Pluto found nothing but rubble and pieces of destruction. Mars walked off. But Venus stopped him and threw him down in rage. "Did you do this!?" She yelled. "Did you kill your very own brother?!" He got back up and protested back with just as smooth of anger as she has. "You really think that, do you?" He spat. "I may be destructive, chaotic, and a killer of many planets. But I did NOT kill him. If I wanted to, I would've been incinerated by Sun.

      "So you can calm your gassy arse down before you'll fall with the same fate that'll come upon us." Taurus, Venus' zodiac, soon comes down taking its form and snorts angrily at Mars. Though Aries, Mars' zodiac, soon comes charging in and taking its form by Mars side.

       "A stalemate," muttered Venus. "If you didn't do it, then who?" Mars just shrugs. That was a good enough answer to Venus. Pluto, on the other hand, comes in between the two angered rock giants. "Alright! Either we can settle this like civilized planetians, or we can kill each other and risk losing the war." Venus and Mars looked at Pluto then at each other. Taurus and Aries fall back, fading into stardust and into their constellations.

      They all retreated and agreed to go on Mars planet. Mercury always told Venus to never go there. She couldn't explain why, but now she sees why. The ground is filled with red sand. Deep within the sand are dead bodies. Failures of Mars attempts to make a race. She shivers and hugs herself. Straight ahead lies a torn and abandoned castle, Mars kingdom.


              "You know you could clean this place is, right?" Suggested Pluto. Mars continues to walk. "If I do it wouldn't suit me at all." Mars was always fair to the Solar and what lies in it. They all approach to a broken and crumbled like throne. Mars sits in it. Venus didn't want to ask any questions about what happened to his lands and attempts. So Pluto decided to ask them. "What became of this...this destruction?" Pluto shuddered at the question and the stare Mars gave to the outcast. "It was when I had my great power. I grew curious of what I can do with it. So I decided to create things. I tried, yet failed. The creatures screamed and killed each other. I remember one particular, it was a young girl. She was bird in the ribs of a dead corpse, feasting, scavenging on what she can to survive." Mars grew quiet, so did the rest.

          "...what do we do, Mars?" Said Venus. "Mercury is...gone and we don't know what to do. We can't fight the gas giants. Even with Saturn on our side, we still won't stand a chance against Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter." Mars looked concerned.

"And Eris." Stated Pluto. "My...older sister." Venus just looks at Mars. Pluto looks both at them. Then, mars begins to chuckle and laugh loud. Pluto shivers, he's never seen this before. "And to think, I was gonna be a 'peaceful' Planeten." Said Mars with humor under his nose. "It's quite simple, Venus." He stand and walked up to the two. "We Fight"




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