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Soon as the Dwarf and Gas Planetess left, Mars took his leave to Jupiter. He arrives and sees her looking at Sun. "The Sun makes beautiful shines and warming feels into your skin and body. He's even bigger than my planet." Mars walks beside her. He's a lil taller than her. Only by a few inches. "I admire it sometimes. But mostly get jealous." Jupiter looks at him with a confused look.

Mars looks at her with his crimson dusted eyes then back too the sun. "Why?" Asked Jupiter. "Why are you Jealous?" He crossed his arms behind back like a soldier. "'Cause he's filled with fiery destruction and power. I once had that power, but it was ripped out of my grasp." He looked down. Jupiter looks at his fists behind his back which were balled it anger. Jupiter shivered on how his expression looked. Even when still, she too, felt pain like it. But not like Mars.

She took hold of his furious hands in hers only to see mars look at her with soft eyes. "Why do admire destruction, Mars?" Asked Jupiter. He looked away and too the stars. He smirked and chuckled. "Cause it's always happened. A sun explodes, black holes destroying what's in its ways, collisions of meteors, the list goes on and on." He looks at her, who's expression is at awe and understanding almost.

"All planets are destructive." Murmured Jupiter. And with those words Mars' chuckle turn into a laugh. Jupiter shivers to it, unsettled if she should back up or laugh along. "Right you are, Jupiter. Right you are..." She hooks her arm around Mars'. "Is he gone? The target?" Mars nodded and kept his smirk on his face. Jupiter then grins and sighs. "You should go before my sister sees you here." Mars nodded.

"I will," he picks up her chin and he's only centimeters away to have his lips on hers. "Summon me if you need to destroy another." Jupiter blushes deeply. Her mind is flaring out of control then Mars takes his leave back to the red desert.

Ich kenne! It's short, I know but fear not! I will have more. I'm just planning.
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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